Word is that the Texas Hosue declares the campus carry amendment to the educational funding bill to be non-germane, and returned the bill to the Senate to have it removed. Campus carry probably does not happen this year, but we’ll get it eventually.
Month: May 2011
Under the Radar
Apparently Obama is working on gun control, according to one gun control advocate. But it’s under the radar. So far under the radar we don’t know what’s happening apparently. Maybe we won’t even know when it’s done.
It would be pretty amusing if the Administration is just stringing them along until the 2012 elections.
Constitutional Rights in the War on Terrorism
Good to see that some on the Islamaphobic right is willing to throw the Second Amendment under the bus for the sake of the war on terrorism. To be fair, I’m not sure the Second is the only right they are willing to throw under the bus. I’ve been pleased with how pro-Second Amendment National Review has become, but occasionally they harken back to the old days. This is one of those times.
Repeat after me, conservatives: we do not remove fundamental constitutional rights in this country without due process. The Second Amendment is now among those rights. The government can no more arbitrarily deny an otherwise eligible citizen or lawful resident the right to purchase a firearm than it can arbitrarily throw them in a brig without a trial.
Texas Legislative Update
From Howard Nemerov. Looks like SB1581, an education finance bill that includes the campus carry initiative, will be up today in the house. If you live in Texas, be sure to contact appropriate legislators. Our opponents have put a lot on the table in their opposition, and it’s important to deny them a victory here. As much as I like it that some of our opponents will spend today groveling before the Twitter gods, rather than engaging in opposition, we should not take this for granted by a long shot.
Mississippi Flooding
A reporter I follow on Twitter seemed a bit in awe of these photos from Mississippi River flooding. (Go take a look at them all, I’ll wait…)
When I think of floods, I just remember the 1993 floods. I happened to be spending some time with my aunt that summer just outside of St. Louis, right near the Missouri River. Her place was never in any danger, but it wasn’t pleasant being in that area at the time. I have memories of being in the car and looking out the windows down the side roads to see neighborhoods displaced because of water up to the eaves.
Not too far west, there’s significant drought conditions. Family members in Oklahoma are saying it’s some of the worst they have ever seen. A guy who rents some property from my grandmother was only slightly exaggerating when he said the cracks in the ground are big enough to swallow his cattle. When there’s even a few minutes worth of rain in that area, I can tell because Facebook lights up with videos & pictures from friends back there. It’s actually rather depressing when I see that rain is such huge news that it’s not only worth sharing on social media, but that it should be documented.
Not the First Time CSGV Has Been Banned
Apparently they were temporarily banned from updating their own Wikipedia entry because they insisted on flushing their past down the memory hole. Ladd Everitt proceeded to act like the unprofessional professional communications director we’ve come to know and love by abusing the Wikipedia admins. See the conversation here:
As for the claim that I should review the Conflict of Interest guidelines, I find that suggestion absolutely laughable coming from a member of the Wiki Firearms Project. Even a cursory look at the activity of your members on Wikipedia will reveal that you have consistently used these pages to discredit groups that wish to strengthen gun control laws and used their individual pages to disseminate your own heavily-biased and one-sided views on gun control policies and issues that, in many cases, have their own individual pages at Wikipedia.
From the admins:
your tone is highly aggressive and inflammatory. before pointing fingers further, i recommend that you review the following wikipedia core policies: WP:AGF, WP:CIVIL, WP:NPA. you’ve violated all of these core policies above. attacking other editors, rather than their edits, is not acceptable. frothing at the mouth about the evil wiki firearms project (of which this editor is not a member, nor is this editor a member of the NRA or the second amendment foundation or or the brady campaign or csgv or any other gun rights or gun control organization, thank you very much) is not going to persuade people that you are interested in a neutral article yourself. i have reverted all of your edits because you have a conflict of interest. i would recommend that you cease editing here, as you are violating wikipedia policy with each and every edit you make. Anastrophe (talk) 15:45, 27 March 2009 (UTC)
I guess Ladd kept acting like himself, because it lead to this:
I will not cease making edits, and any neutral and unbiased observer will see in a matter of seconds that Wiki Firearms Projects members have used this page repeatedly to slander the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and offer heavily biased and one-sided views on issues that we advocate on (in many cases which are outright lies that are totally unsupportable).
There’s a good rule of thumb to follow, which is never to pick on admins. You will lose that argument. Admins always win.
again, bold talk, not backed up by facts. outright lies rarely survive on wikipedia, because all material must be properly sourced. are you saying that sources have been falsified? that would be quite a claim in itself. not that you care, but i’ve removed biased material from this article that was improperly sourced on several occasions – biased material that presented ‘unfavorable’ commentary or opinions about CSGV. i would again strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with wikipedia’s core values and policies. you do not own this article, regardless of your desire to do so formally. rather than slinging epithets and ad hominem, you could try detailing the specific issues with the material that you feel are lies, misrepresentative, whatever, and work with your fellow editors to craft an NPOV article. NPOV does not mean that the article will present your organization favorably or unfavorably – thus, your desire to scrub the article of perceived unfavorable facts (the past name of the group, the past policies of the group) will not stand.
Finally the conflict ended with CSGV getting many of their issues address, but only after a pissing contest which was entirely started by Ladd Everitt. There’s an old saying that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. It’s a lesson to take to heart. Wikipedia won’t let their articles turn into propaganda pages for either side. It only looks biased to Ladd because truth is something not on their side, and they want to run from their past. NRA’s, for instance, is not lacking criticism.
Opinion in Puerto Rico Carry Case
Unarmed Teens vs. Unarmed Adults
I love when the desire to editorialize against guns is so strong that they actually contradict themselves. It makes me wonder if newspapers actually have anyone edit their editorials for content.
HB 1652 lets people who hold concealed-carry permits keep firearms locked in their vehicles while on a CareerTech campus. That includes people 21 or older who have completed a training course and undergone a cursory background check.
The problem is that most CareerTech students are teenagers and thus not eligible to carry concealed weapons. HB 1652 will mean that unarmed teens will rub shoulders on campus with armed adults, a potentially dangerous mix.
In Oklahoma, the Tulsa World is arguing against a bill that will force adults to lock legally carried firearms in their cars – therefore leaving them unarmed while on campus – by saying it’s too dangerous to have unarmed teens near these now unarmed adults. I didn’t realize that concealed carry holders who don’t even have guns on their person were so dangerous in society. It would be nice if they had some facts to back that up. Oh, but wait, they don’t like when facts don’t match their view:
Advocates of concealed carry and other laws aimed at arming more Oklahomans are quick to point out that those laws have not resulted in bloodbaths, as critics predicted they might. That might be true, but, on the other hand, there is no evidence that they have prevented public violence or made the citizenry more safe.
So it doesn’t matter that these laws haven’t caused any problems. It doesn’t matter that concealed carry license holders are likely more law-abiding than their teenage counterparts on these campuses. Reason and Logic have clearly left the building there in Tulsa.
I Warned CSGV
I warned the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence that they didn’t want to go down the road of picking on bloggers by releasing their personal information, but they decided instead to extend a great big middle finger to the community. I’m guessing now they see what I mean, thanks to the efforts of Linoge, who has delivered a victory so sweet, I’m scheduling the root canal now. It gets even better:
I’d like to think that after this we can all be adults here. A bit of new media advice for Ladd Everitt and the other folks at Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: the best way to be left alone is to ignore your tormenters. But you could not help it, could you? You were drawn to lash out like moths to the flame. You might have thought that the harder you squeezed, the more crazy would ooze out, but it’s been pretty apparent that’s a two way street. And let’s face it, CSGV, your people are way more outside the mainstream than ours. That’s why we win, and you’re reduced to picking on bloggers and getting your Twitter account suspended for crossing the line.
UPDATE: More following:
I’m pretty sure the only firepower Linoge needed for that one was “Send” and the only army was himself. In case you are wondering what Dylan is talking about, since CSGV deleted he context, you can see for yourself here. He is rationally explaining that Twitter vets any complaints. Obviously CSGV deleted it, because the last thing we want is rational discourse in the gun control movement, and for their supporters to see they were in the wrong by crossing the line.
Joan, however, is quite correct, however, that we’ll stop at nothing. This is true. We think the Bill of Rights is that important. We see our opponents for the petulant busybodies, intent in destroying it, that they are. We are relentless. Don’t forget it. I am here to tell CSGV, Joan and their supporters that your nightmare is true. We’re going to hammer gun control on the anvil of relentless legislative strategy. We’re going to beat gun control into submission.
On the heels of an important vote in Texas on campus carry, CSGV will instead of have to spend time groveling before the Twitter gods for forgiveness because they have no conception of how to handle this issue professionally. They were goaded by rank amateurs into themselves acting like rank amateurs, and paid the price by crossing the line. I will, perhaps, pour a little more salt on the wound by suggesting that Everitt and CSGV have much they could learn about handling the issue professionally from the Brady Campaign. Even Sugarmann knows better than this.
Sorry for the Light Posting
Turns out liquidating a company is hard work, and unbelievably depressing work when you’ve spent nearly a quarter of your life working on the same “project.” It’s not much different than watching a beloved sailboat sink beneath the waves.
I’m spending my days busy, and at night I just don’t have the time or energy to look for blog material. I think all of this will work out in the end, I just need to have faith that it will all come together the way I’m praying it will.