John Richardson managed to find Ladd Everitt’s comment on ATF Request for Comment on the multi-sale reporting requirement for long guns. [Fixed an error – Seb] Ladd Everitt is Communication Director for Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, but he did not respond in his official capacity.
One interesting note is that he approves of the multiple long gun reporting requirement, and enforcement of “laws already on the books,” even though the laws already on the books prohibit the reporting of multiple long gun sales. What he’s really saying is that he wants ATF to break the law.
The real funny thing, however, as John notes, is that his response is a form letter from Mayor Bloomberg’s anti-gun MAIG coalition. I guess he’s spending too much time arguing with gun bloggers, and revealing personal information about them on Facebook and Twitter, that CSGV has no time to start their own astroturfing campaign. They have to rely on someone else’s.