Kagan Goes Hunting

Apparently Elena Kagan has been on several hunting trips with Justice Scalia. We knew from before she had visited a range, but looks like she’s dove deeper. While I consider this positive news, a few trips hunting and to the range is a long way off from tossing a ban on carry, or assault weapons. That said, with the game as close as it is, I’d settle for just having one more vote that may not want to go so far as to overturn Heller and McDonald.

7 thoughts on “Kagan Goes Hunting”

  1. I’ll believe it when I see it…We can thank Justice Scalia for trying to persuade her..He’s one of the good guys!

      1. Google Clinton Hunter. He’s not woodsmen, but he does have some trophy shots floating around out there.

        Now we know Cheney was a hunter, just not a good shot.

        1. Oh, I don’t know. The human head isn’t -that- big of a target.


  2. Let’s hope Scalia is on the court for many years to come to educate other newbies in the off chance (God forbid) Obama is re-elected.

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