Ironically, it didn’t involve a gun. Instead it involved in someone shooting an arrow at an attacker wielding a club from his porch. To the best of my knowledge, no Cherokee were harmed in this first test of the law.
Year: 2011
Sometimes My Editorial Sense Fails
When I saw the original New York Times article blasting conceaed carry as a dangerous idea, I kind of dismissed it, because commenting on an anti-gun article from the New York Times is kind of like commenting on a cloudy day in Seattle. But apparently this one was pretty awful. Both Professor Reynolds, who has a roundup of blog reactions, and Professor Kopel, who notes what the Times didn’t tell readers, do a pretty good job of refuting the Times’ shoddy reporting.
I have little doubt the Times is doing this at the behest of King Bloomberg of New York, to create some ammunitino against HR822, which will will open the Big Apple to carry by permits from other states. Every once in a while I think something is “dog bites man”, but it turns out to be a big story. This is one of those occasions.
Bad Journalism on Private Sales
If I were running a high school newspaper, I would have sent this article back for rewriting. But this is what passes for journalism today, apparently, at least for the Cleveland Plain Dealer. This is perhaps one of the most juvenile editorials I’ve seen on the topic of private sales of guns, regarding a proposed bill in Ohio that would ban private sales, and direct everything through dealers for a ten dollar fee, fixed by the state.
This big problem routing everything through dealers is that it’s just a matter of who’s ox gets gored. If you let them charge market prices, you’re going to be paying anywhere from 30 dollars to 50 dollars for each firearm transferred. If you limit the fee to 10 dollars, you’re screwing the dealer out of his right to make a livlihood.
It’s amazing how many of these folks, who consider this whole background check thing an essential public service, don’t want the public to pay for it. As a matter of law, can anyone think of another instance where the government can force someone to provide a service for a fee set by the government? The only cases I can think of are being conscripted into military service, and being called for jury duty, both of which have deep roots in common law. Are there any other examples?
New Jersey Has a Coyote Problem
In addition to a bear hunt, it looks like New Jersey is planning to cull the coyote population. Apparently one of them tried to make off with a baby. A lot of people seem to have a hard time understanding, without the ability to manufacture and use weapons, human beings are not apex predators, we’re prey. When other predators lose their fear of people, bad things are going to happen. The advice from the state is if you see a coyote, make sure it moves along. In most other areas, even in New York, as the article notes, it’s lawful to shoot them. It doesn’t take very long before the predators learn to steer clear of humans.
Even CNN Is Noticing
CNN is reporting on record high sales of firearms. That data is pretty clear, but the Brady Campaign are still in denial:
“The research we’ve seen indicates fewer and fewer people are owning more and more guns,” said Caroline Brewer of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. “All the trends indicate the number of Americans who own guns has declined.”
What “research we’ve seen?” As they are well aware, polling is indicating otherwise. The ostrich approach is not going to make the “problem” go away. It’s not going to suddenly make it all true. I realize that Brady has to engage their donors, and not admit all is hopeless, but the denial is comical at this point. Even CNN is recognizing it.
The lesson for our opponents here is that unintended consequences work both ways. You were the ones that wanted the background check. Well, now we have it, and unfortunatly for you, it’s telling everyone your goose is cooked.
Collecting Your Own Rainwater
Clayton notes that it’s illegal in Utah, and I believe in many western states, to collect rainwater. People are weird about water in the West, because there’s not generally enough to go around, which I supposed is where the western phrase “Whiskey is for drinkin’, and water is for fightin’.” originated from. I suppose these were the rules, odd though they may be, that stopped people from killing each other over water rights.
White Washing History
CSGV are trying to convince folks they never ever supported a handgun bans, and that there can’t possibly be documentation for such a position. Unfortunately for them, the Internet is forever. I continue to be amazed what utter amateurs some of these folks are, which is sad, because we’re all amateurs, and they are actually professionals.
More Bad Ideas for CCW
Now a company is selling CCW sashes instead of badges. This reminds me of when I was part of the Safety program in 6th grade, and you got a sash that says you were a safety. I don’t exactly remember what safeties did, other than queue the kids up outside the door in the morning. But I digress. I didn’t think anyone could come up with a worse idea than CCW badges, and I have unfortunately been proved wrong.
I’ve Already Seen This Movie
Did anyone tell organizers of the 100-year anniversary Titanic re-creation cruise that they already made this movie? It didn’t end well.*
Limit Your Issues on Appeal
Orin Kerr speaks of the importance of not taking kitchen sink cases before the Courts. Unfortunately there are a number of kitchen sink cases out there moving their way through the court system. Many of them funded by folks who should know better.