I’m speechless. All I can think of is that the gene pool here could use a little chlorine.
Year: 2011
Lots of “Florida Loophole” Editorials Lately
A few weeks ago, the Philly papers started running “Florida Loophole” stories again. Once here in the Inquirer, then again in a different article. The Pittsburgh Post Gazette has recently covered the topic.  I’m guessing this is part of Bloomberg’s push to defeat HR822, even though that act doesn’t have anything to do with “Florida Loophole,” since it does not force individual states to recognize other state permits for its own residents. Now yesterday, I notice an article in the St. Petersburg Times speaking about the issue.
Does anyone really expect us to believe this is a coincidence? That multiple papers just happened to start blasting on the “Florida Loophole” issue again, after months of saying nothing? I don’t believe it’s a coincidence. The Allentown Morning call also covered this issue, but I’m fairly certain this editorial didn’t happen at the prompting of gun control outfits.
Protecting Veteran Gun Rights
A bill to do this has cleared the House. Previously, the Department of Veterans Affairs has added people to the NICS database for reasons that did not rise to the level of a full adjudication. If this bill makes it, unless a veterans is adjudicated a danger to himself or others, Veterans Affairs won’t be able to report him to NICS.
CSGV Going to Add This Guy?
I’m wondering when CSGV will add these individuals to their Insurrectionist Timeline. They won’t. I can promise you. That should tell you everything you need to know about their intellectual honesty and integrity.
UPDATE: I am duly informing CSGV on Twitter of this outrageous act of insurrectionist thinking. If they do not condemn it, and add it to their list, I’m prepared to argue that CSGV is an insurrectionist organization, dedicated to the promotion of political violence.
After all, if CSGV gets to paint us all with the brush of lunatics, turnabout is fair play. Make them live up to their own standards.
Prepping For 2012
Looks like NRA is really trying to drive the point home on Supreme Court nominees, with Chris Cox writing in the Daily Caller:
Currently, the Second Amendment clings to a 5-4 pro-freedom majority on the Supreme Court. Just one vote is all that stands between the America our Founding Fathers established and a radically different America that Barack Obama and his supporters envision.
This is probably the biggest issue for us in the 2012 elections. If we lose one of the Heller Five, and Obama gets to pick his replacement, all the Alan Guras in the world won’t be able to save the Second Amendment. Even if Heller and McDonald never get formally overturned, we’ve seen from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that intermediate scrutiny can easily be used to conclude that banning commonly used entire categories of firearms is just fine. The same logic could be used to erase the “bear” part of “keep and bear” just as easily.
The 1%
Adulthood Sucks Doesn’t It?
You’d think this entitled and ridiculous lot was the first generation of Americans to get out into the real world and find out the going isn’t as easy as it was with mom and pop taking care of you. Just looking at her expenses:
- She went into way too much debt in college if that’s what she’s paying in student loans. I can sympathize, since I did the same thing. But I spent the first few years out of college living with my dad and paying down the loans until I got them to a reasonable level to refinance them.
- 550 is about what I pay in utilities for a house with two people living it… if I count as a “utility” an iPhone plan and high speed internet. Actually, I don’t think I hit 550 with even that. She must have a nice cable package too.
- She pretty clearly has a new car if she’s paying 505 a month. My insurance is about 100 a month. I don’t have a car payment because I paid it off several years ago. Maybe she doesn’t really need a new car? I’ve bought cars for 3000 in cash that have run for years afterwards.
- Her commute is 65 miles? Jesus! I draw my boundary at 50, and my earning potential is about twice hers. Maybe move closer to your job? Not like you have to sell a house and cover a mortgage or anything.
Just not feeling the sympathy. Who I do feel sympathy for in this generation are the kids who graduated from college and can’t find jobs, because the economy isn’t producing any for them. It’s been several graduating classes now that have hit the job market during this financial crisis, and unemployment among young people is sky high.
But even there, they voted for Obama in large numbers, and his health care fiasco is a big reason companies are reluctant to hire right now, because all anyone knows about it is that it’s definitely going to be expensive, and probably a lot more expensive than anyone really thinks. How’s that hope and change working out for you now?
Loophole == Anything We Don’t Like
From a Brady press release praising Jerry Brown for signing various gun control bill:
The Governor signed AB 144 by Assembly Member Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada-Flintridge) to ban the open carry of handguns in California and he also signed AB 809 by Assembly Member Mike Feuer (D-Los Angeles) to close a loophole in state law that required the destruction of long gun sales and transfer records.
How is a state law requiring the destruction of records a “loophole” in any sense of the word? Now if you excuse me, I need to go close the tall grass loophole in my yard, so it’s not so difficult when it’s time to close the leaf loophole.
Gun Safety in Schools Circa 1956
An excellent photo essay of pictures from Life Magazine of a gun safety program being taught by an Indiana game warden. Contrast that today where even making a finger gesture in the likeness of a gun is likely to get your kid on the wrong end of zero tolerance policies.
Righthaven on the Ropes
Couldn’t have happened to nicer people. Apparently they are now such a credit risk they can’t even get money to put up a bond to cover attorneys fees they owe to someone they sued. I hope Clayton manages to recover his improperly extorted settlement.