ATREX Launch

Some folks might remember me mentioning a NASA rocket launch from Wallops Island, Virginia about a week ago. Early this morning they did it. I stayed up for it. For a clear view with no tall trees, I walked up to the nearby elementary school soccer field 3 times, only to have them hold for shipping in the exclusion zone. Third time, at 4:55, was a charm. The rockets only burn for a few seconds after launch, so I didn’t really see them until they started releasing the chemical tracer. I watched the tracers for a few minutes, noticed four, but could not see the fifth, and then headed home.

I took pictures and video, but the trails were dimmer than I expected, so they didn’t turn out. I did not notice any conspiracy theorists running from their homes screaming “They’re poisoning us! they’re poisoning us! This is how they keep us all compliant!” once the chemtrails started to disperse. My guess is they were fast asleep, dreaming of things the CIA is secretly transmitting into their brains.

UPDATE: Some official NASA photos:

ATREX Rocket at Launch


UPDATE: Video here.

2 thoughts on “ATREX Launch”

  1. I did not notice any conspiracy theorists running from their homes screaming “They’re poisoning us! they’re poisoning us! This is how they keep us all compliant!” once the chemtrails started to disperse.

    Nothing to worry about, it’s just a simple test of the G23 Paxilon hydrochloride dispersion systems.


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