Push for Restaurant Carry in North Carolina

Sean in North Carolina has a link on how folks can help with the effort. Restaurant carry bans are particularly annoying, and only result in guns getting left in cars. It’s not a net public safety enhancement. The correct way to do this is directly regulating drinking while carrying, which the North Carolina bill does.

4 thoughts on “Push for Restaurant Carry in North Carolina”

  1. “The correct way to do this is directly regulating drinking while carrying, which the North Carolina bill does.”

    Why is this correct?

    In the states that have no statute against carrying in bar or even drinking while carrying there is no problem so why have a law?

    1. I should have prefaced that with, if you’re going to regulate drinking and carrying. I live in one of those states, and no, we don’t have a problem with people drinking and carrying.

  2. We’ve had the Guns in Restaurant Law for a while up here in Ohio, but ours says No Drinking and the Restaurant can post NGA Signs. But I’m still waiting to see the Rivers of Blood flowing down the Streets.

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