We Were Protested

Back from the legal seminar. Heeding God’s Call apparently decided they were going to protest, since I guess God doesn’t like Second Amendment law seminars. Throngs of people showed up, with tons of enthusiasm and energy. We were overwhelmed by their presence. Or not:

One woman is wielding a sign that says “Stop Shooting People,” which is a serious problem when you bring academics and lawyers together in one place. Perhaps they thought the seminar happening in the Ormandy Ballroom was just a clever cover for the arms bazaar that was no doubt occurring in the Mogadishu Ballroom on the next floor. But what was going on inside?

Clayton Cramer talking about the history of California’s Concealed Weapons laws. Seated to his right is Professor Nick Johnson of Fordham University, who had just given a talk on firearms and the black experience. Seated to the right of Professor Johnson is John Frazer, Director of Research for NRA-ILA who spoke himself, and also moderated the forum. Clearly very dangerous people who’d make a regular habit of “shooting people” if not for protesters holding signs.

Law Seminar in Philadelphia This Weekend

NRA is hosting a legal seminar this weekend in Philadelphia, which Bitter and I will be attending. There are people coming in from all around, so if you’re going to be there, we’ll see you there. I don’t know who is and who isn’t coming, but later tonight I’ll be giving Clayton Cramer a lift from the airport to the hotel where the seminar is hosted, so I know he’s coming at least.

Also, sorry for the light posting the past several days. I’ve been in the office, which kills two to three hours of my day on the commute, and because I’m not in the office all the time, I have to use my time here judiciously when there’s things I have to get done on site. We will return back to our normal schedule shortly.

We’re Getting a New Firewall

After an upgrade failed to fix the problem with my router/Firewall/WiFi Access point, I have decided to order one of these to serve the blog. This will allow me to put the blog server on a DMZ nework, and handle all the VPNs I need to connect my network to our offices. The little Buffalo WAP unit does a fine job of servicing the blog and most other things, but I’m now at the point I need a Firewall with a more professional feature set, and the Buffalo running dd-wrt isn’t cutting the mustard.

Debate Impressions

Strictly on content, I thought it was a draw. Biden held his own and managed to get through the debate without saying anything supremely stupid. That’s a big accomplishment for Crazy Joe. I think much of what was debated is beyond the knowledge of low-information voters. But on likability and demeanor, which I think probably matters more to the low-information voters the campaigns are trying to reach now, Ryan came out ahead on that one. Biden was getting boorish, and I don’t think that comes off well to the voters the campaign needs to reach. However, I suspect the Dem base ate up Crazy Joe’s performance, so when it comes to getting morale back on track, I think Biden did a respectable job.

Ready for the Debate

I have pre-mixed some Manhattans and put them in the freezer for the Vice Presidential debate tonight. Gotta crack out the hard stuff for Crazy Joe. This is kind of like watching race car driving. Ordinarily watching a bunch of guys drive cars around in a circle, to me at least, is about as exciting as watch the grass grow. But there might be a wreck, and that is exciting. When Joe Biden is involved, there’s a pretty high likelihood there’s going to be a wreck.

Remind Me Never to Really Piss off Linoge

The truth about The Truth About Guns, or the 95 Theses against Robert Farago. Get a drink and pull up a chair. It’s long reading. In truth, I’m with Bob Owens in that I don’t mind the occasional lifted photo or post. I’m more concerned about boorish behavior toward people like Emily Miller and Alan Gura, and the general lack of ethics and sensationalism. Like I said before, many of us took to blogging in order to start a conversation without having to deal with that nonsense.

A Different Democratic Message on Jobs

An A rated endorsed Democrat from Northeast Pennsylvania is taking up a different kind of jobs message than most members of his party.

State Rep. Gerald Mullery has asked three gun manufacturers to relocate to Northeastern Pennsylvania because lawmakers in states where they currently have plants are considering enacting costly regulations on their businesses. …
Mullery, a member of the House Game and Fisheries Committee, recently sent letters to the chief executive officers of Remington Arms Co., Colt’s Manufacturing Co. and Kimber Manufacturing Inc. detailing the benefits of a move to Northeastern Pennsylvania. Remington and Kimber have factories in New York, and Colt has a factory in Connecticut.

Somehow, I don’t see too many national stage Democrats lining up behind this jobs plan. In fact, neither one of his party colleagues running to represent the Rep. Mullery’s county (it’s in two districts) was even willing to answer questionnaires from gun owners.

Is Bloomberg Funding the Whole Gun Control Movement?

Dave Hardy has some excellent reporting on how Bloomberg may be secretly funneling money into the gun control movement. Dave mentions a reason for this could be so that Bloomberg can fund other more radical projects, but continue to appear to be moderate on the issue. Dave posits that the reason Joyce hasn’t donated much to the Brady Campaign is because they are too moderate. If that is indeed the case, it might explain why they’ve been turning up the crazy lately. It could be the Joyce mothership, and Bloomberg, not only dig the crazy, but benefit from it. Dave also notes that the Brady organization has been hemorrhaging money. This has been going on for a while now, actually, and I’m surprised they can still function. Not only function, but they felt they had the money to hire a new President, rather than just continuing with Dennis Henigan. It’ll be interesting to see if all the crazy talk coming out Brady these days is intended to signal to mama Joyce that they’re as serious about lunacy as all the other gun control groups.

And if Joyce is really looking for crazy, why? It’s a reasonable question to ask, so put yourself in Bloomberg’s shoes. He has his Mayor’s organization. They are the moderate face of gun control, when their members aren’t busy getting arrested, indicted or sent to prison. They are the ones proposing serious policies and trying to move the middle. But moving the middle is tough, because you run into the problem of the NRA, and people who are active in the gun rights community. In fact, if there’s one thing Media Matters and CSGV have in common it’s an attempt to discredit the National Rifle Association, and harass and intimidate those who support them. The CSGV outing of gun bloggers, along with taking our quotes out of context and spinning them as racist, lunatic, or worse, may actually be part of a coordinated strategy funded largely out of Bloomberg’s pockets. This way he has the lunatic groups, who have no bearing on the policy debate anymore, do his dirty work for him. If he were to do this directly with the MAIG organization, we’d use it to attack his mayors, and destroy his credibility when he tries to move the policy debate, and he knows that.

I could be far off base here, and giving the gun control groups way too much credit, and the lunacy we’ve witnessed the past few years might only be anger and resentment as they slip farther and farther into irrelevancy. But I don’t think Bloomberg is to be underestimated. I could easily see a cohesive strategy here at work that would make perfect sense. Bloomberg can’t move the issue without discrediting NRA, and too a much lesser degree other parts of the new media and horizontal interpretive communities established in the gun rights movement. MAIG will do that (with the help of Frank Luntz) on the up-and-up, and the Joyce grantees, funded indirectly with Bloomberg money and with no credibility left to risk, get to do the dirty work.

I Have Been Elected

I have been elected tonight to another two year term as my as Club Secretary. I would savor this victory, if I had actually had someone running against me. Of course, if someone really wanted the job, I’d probably have stepped down and let them run unopposed. I make a poor politician. If only we could get people into political office who viewed public service as a burden rather than a prize, we could probably fix a lot of what’s wrong with this country. I sometimes wonder if we treated service in Congress and State Legislatures much the same way we treat jury duty, if it wouldn’t have better results. I suspect it probably wouldn’t be better, but I’m not convinced it would be worse.