Apparently a bar just floated off, and arrived in Brookyn still well stocked. What would have made this story a truly humorous component to this otherwise cluster fsck of a storm would be if the NYPD had opened it up to find a few drunks still inside drinking.
3 thoughts on “From Breezy Point, New Jersey to Brooklyn”
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” if the NYPD had opened it up to find a few drunks still inside drinking ”
That’s the best laugh I’ve had in several days. (even if the waves did knock me off the stool once or twice)
My guess that it was Breezy Point in Far Rockaway, Queens and not New Jersey. Given that Breezy Point, Queens is just across Jamaica Bay from Gerritsen Beach, this makes more sense.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=37189454&biw=1280&bih=603&wrapid=tlif135212970879610&q=gerritsen+beach+ny&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89c24378581a0381:0xdecf069717d8c705,Gerritsen+Beach,+Brooklyn,+NY&gl=us&sa=X&ei=ptyXUOWBPKux0QHN1ID4Dw&ved=0CHEQtgM
Either way, that’s amazing it held together.
Find out who built the place and look him up if you need a house built of remodled.
They know how to Build’em Right!