What Can People Do To Help New York?

Have friends and relatives up there? Agree to be safe storage for their contraband items until such time as we can free New York and bring it back to America. Donate to SAF and NRA, because they are going to be filing lawsuits against this eventually. Most importantly, join the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association. I just joined, and I’ll help folks in the Empire State any way I can from here.

The Silence of the Anti-Gunners

Many journalists have taken the attitude that they should try to shame people out of gun ownership, so Project Veritas decided to challenge them about how proud they are of their non-gun owner status. Would they be willing to actually tell the world that they don’t own guns in a way that’s personal? The same kind of personal they made it for gun owners in New York whose houses were put on a map…

I suspect you already know the answer – not a single one of them accepted the sign to declare themselves non-gun owners.

One of the most interesting parts of the video is the section with the husband of the publisher of the Journal News who admits that he’s so anti-gun, he fled the country to avoid them; yet, they gladly hire armed security that he brags are armed. He also continues on how we need gun control that allows nothing more than a single shot – which is less than what his armed security detail is likely carrying.

One of the editors of the Journal News had her armed security detail try to threaten the “anti-gun group” with calling the police for trespass – while they stood on public property. I guess that reflects their views on any so-called “rights” of these “little people” to assemble and even walk down a sidewalk.

Count Carefully

The new law in New York does not outlaw magazines that hold more than 7 rounds. You can still own a magazine that holds up to ten. It’s just that if you put more than 7 rounds in the magazine, you’re a criminal. This has to be the most laughably ridiculous things I’ve ever seen come from the anti-gunners. Does anyone seriously think criminals and mass shooters are going to even be remotely concerned?

UPDATE: Upon more careful reading of the statute, it does indeed ban magazines that hold more than 7 rounds. There is no grandfathering for magazines that have more than ten rounds. Those are contraband. You have a year to get rid of them or become a criminal. There is grandfathering for 8-10 round magazines, you just may not put more than 7 rounds in them, or you become a criminal. I should note that this isn’t just magazines. This is now an illegal item in New York:

So is this:

If you have any belts with more than 7 rounds on them, they are illegal. In fact, because it covers “readily restored” as well, any belt links at all, if you have more than enough to string 7 rounds together, are now contraband. Blocking would also seem to be out, because it could be readily restore to shoot more than 7 rounds.

UPDATE: Bill here. The stuff in CAPS is changes. You will note there is a C&R exception, but if it can be used in a replica rifle, it doesn’t apply by my reading. So it’s a useless exemption.


Tam offers an important lesson:

Meanwhile, I will point out a basic bit of Capitalism 101: If Seller Sam asks $100 for a 50rd box of Remchester .22LR, and Buyer Bob gives him $100 for it,  then the price of a 50rd box of Remchester .22LR in that place, at that time, is $100.

It’s killed me that some of the same folks who were excoriating Obama for being a socialist were some of the first to scream “PRICE GOUGING!” when the law of supply and demand started to work its magic. If demand goes up, and price does not follow with it, you get a shortage. A lot of vendors didn’t want to be accused of that, and did not raise prices. So how’s that new AR you just bought? What about the 1000 rounds of .223? Yeah… shortage.

Thoughts for Liberal New Yorkers

Don’t you think you might have bigger problem than guns and people putting more than 7 rounds in a magazine when your legislature can apparently draft legislation in smoke filled rooms, vote on the final product with 30 minutes notice, and get everything all wrapped up before the public has had a chance to sip their morning coffee? I mean, I get we’re not a democracy, but don’t you think there’s something vaguely wrong about lawmakers passing a bill before the public even has an idea what’s in it because the Governor says it’s an “emergency?” I would think this is something the left and the right can agree on.

And what does it say about their confidence in gun control that they feel they need to accomplish everything quickly, before the public has a chance to mobilize, and, I don’t know, maybe carefully consider the bill? Hear all sides? This wasn’t a conversation on guns. They don’t want a conversation, and that has been abundantly clear since this whole farce began.

Senator Greg Ball of NY on The #2A Sellout

“Goodnight, and I voted No, and I only wish, I could have done it twice”:

Tomorrow I will talk about next steps for New Yorkers. Governor Cuomo shut democracy, and the voice of gun owners, down tonight. We must not let that happen again. There will soon be a time to be heard in New York, as we fight this in the federal courts.

The Real Problems of School Security

Remember when the media said that NRA was nuts for suggesting that schools consider a wide-ranging security plan, not only for school shooters, but for other security threats that weren’t as obvious? Yeah, most of us do.

Well, shortly after dinner, my phone started going nuts with alert to look up the local Amber Alert. I Googled it as a good little citizen, and it just goes to show that the schools don’t take security seriously at all. A 5-year-old was kidnapped from her own classroom and the school didn’t even bother to report her missing.

According to what has been released in the last few hours, a woman described as wearing “Muslim-style clothing” walked into a school before 9am–minutes after the girl was dropped off–told the staff she was a mother, didn’t show ID, scribbled a line that was not a name onto a log sheet, walked into a classroom to tell the teacher that she signed a kid out and the teacher handed the student over, which, needless to say, is not “protocol.” The teacher just allowed her to walk out with the little girl without being questioned or stopped. Neither the teacher nor school officials bothered to follow their own procedures to find out if this was a person who even had permission to pick up the girl. They didn’t report the odd circumstance. They just let the kidnapper get away for hours without any report of what kind of vehicle she might be in, what direction she headed, or whether there were accomplices.

It was only when the girl’s daycare program that picks her up from school noticed that she wasn’t present and called her mom to verify that she was legitimately absent that anyone took notice. By that time, it was almost 3pm. The kidnapper had a 6 hour head start, and all because the school staff member was too lazy to question why a stranger who never had to show any ID just walked into a classroom and demanded to take a little girl.

These people aren’t serious about the safety of other people’s children. The child was dropped off just minutes before, and not a single staff member thought it would be odd that someone would turn around and pick them up within 5 minutes. The staff just believed a nice little title from the stranger that she was “mom” even though they couldn’t see her face or recognize her if they had known her since she purposefully covered everything except her eyes. The teacher just believed the stranger that she signed a kid out and handed the child right over. They simply didn’t care enough to give a second thought to that child and the very clearly odd circumstances in front of them.

If you have the means, you might want to take more seriously the Buffy the Vampire Slayer quote channeled by Glenn Reynolds and consider that home schooling is “not just for scary religious people any more.” At least then you’ll know that the person supervising your children actually cares enough to consider real security.

Here We Go in Maryland

O’Malley is getting behind gun control too. Part of the strategy would appear to be to try to run us ragged fighting in blue states. Hopefully the Maryland legislature doesn’t allow the kind of corrupt smoke-filled-room type deals we just witnessed in New York. Andrew Cuomo won in New York because he shut down the Democratic process. If we get a chance to fight, we can fight. We didn’t lose Illinois, and I certainly don’t want to lose Maryland.

Deal Reached in New York?

The Huffington Post has some details. Other articles talk about Republicans having reservation. Remember folks:

  • 7 round limit on magazines. No grandfathering.
  • One feature test. Most modern semi-automatic firearms banned. Limited grandfathering. Registration for all.
  • No due process for mental health prohibitions. A physician can get you prohibited.
  • NICS checks for ammo. No online ammo sales.

Get calling, if you live in New York. Note how they are doing all of this behind closed doors and trying to ram it through quickly? They learned from Illinois.

UPDATE: More here

UPDATE: Sold out by the Republicans. I’m sorry New York. 43-18 in the Senate. The Senate was really the only chance to stop this.

Brady Campaign Raises 5 Million

Well, for a while they were running out of money. This is about double what they made in all of 2010. Once people start thinking gun control isn’t a lost cause, they are more willing to send checks. We’re in this for the long haul.