Beware of Stereotypes about NRA Members

So I was taking to a coworker today, who is a dues paying member of our cause. He’s busy trying to make sure all his family members are signed up for NRA, or current with their membership. He just signed up his wife, whose family escaped Nazi occupied France and sought refuge in Latin America, along with many other Jews.

“You should get a junior NRA membership for [the boy]” I noted, thinking not much of it.*

So I came home and told Bitter our efforts, and she admonishes me for my sexism almost immediately. He has an older daughter, and why did I not think of her? I have to admit my fault here. I may have been raised by northeastern Democratic parents, but in my cultural upbringing, guns were a boy thing. I guess it took an Oklahoma native to point that out to me. So don’t discount members based on your biases. I guess that’s my lesson for tonight.

* There is a junior membership there if you look carefully at the tabs.

The Threat Profile

I heard from a reader that MoveOn is raising $175,000 for “civil action” on gun control and they are 39% there. I don’t think folks can reasonably say there’s no longer any money in this issue against us. That is changing, and it is very dangerous. We’ve benefitted greatly by our opponents lack of funding in the past decade.

Meanwhile, the Administration is planning an end run around NRA. Sounds like former lobbyist Richard Feldman was at the meeting with Biden, NRA, and the other gun groups. Who Feldman was representing, I don’t know, but he was pre-conceding private sales on behalf of whoever he was there for (probably himself.) I would remind folks that we outlaw private sales of handguns in Pennsylvania, and that hasn’t stopped gun control groups from seeking more restrictions. Why, before we’ve even really locked horns, just concede something out of the gate? Clearly Feldman went to the John Boehner school of negotiation.

The National Conversation on Guns

Maybe it’s time to replace Reasoned DiscourseTM with National ConversationTM. I’ve been paying scant attention to what the Bradys and CSGV are up to, as I believe those organizations are just as swept up in greater forces and greater politics at work here as we are. They are along for the ride, not pulling the strings. Bloomberg and his Mayors are now the real, and dangerous enemy. Making fun of CSGV and their looniness was fun and entertaining in easier times, but the future of the gun control movement is elsewhere. Let us not lose sight of who we’re really up against.

Small Victory in This Long War?

This time it would seem to be our opponents who seem to be compromising. I think they want to take one of our issues off the table, because it’s getting in the way of them passing draconian gun control. They want that to recapture the narrative.

Via Glenn,who notes NRA 1, Obama 0. Let’s keep things moving in that direction.