It looks like Gabby Giffords’s husband, Mark Kelly, has decided that the other high profile tragedy-created gun control groups just aren’t cutting it since he launched a new PAC today that is jumping straight into the political battle on restrictions to our rights. The goal is to oppose what they refer to as “the gun lobby’s political contributions, advertising and lobbying.” In other words, it’s designed to oppose that pesky grassroots force that keeps calling lawmakers and donating to candidates with both time and money.
The big focus in the launch seems to center around magazines and background checks, but they do also plan to target some vague reference to “weapons designed for the battlefield.” Calling the defense of our rights by NRA as “defiant and unsympathetic,” Mark Kelly did make sure to give some free advertising to Bloomberg’s partner Wal-Mart by telling the press that it’s where he buys his guns. It makes me wonder if that was part of Kelly’s meeting with Bloomberg came with a request that he pitch Wal-Mart as the place to buy guns. Since we already know that crony capitalism is likely going to be on table for any gun control measures, it’s not out of the question.
An interesting question that I have is how this new PAC will work with Gabby PAC which Kelly & Giffords launched in September. That PAC only backs Democrats, so it seems like that could be the likely direction of this new effort.