From the Washington Post:
To sell such changes, the White House is developing strategies to work around the National Rifle Association that one source said could include rallying support from Wal-Mart and other gun retailers for measures that would benefit their businesses.
I would have no problem utterly boycotting Wal-Mart. I’m already more of a Target man these days anyway. And then there’s Amazon. Bloomberg is going to be running the public relations campaign once the effort is announced. Fingers on a chalkboard, if you ask me.
The vice president said the White House group would consider a variety of proposals — from requiring background checks for all gun buyers to creating a new database that would allow the ATF to track all gun sales, according to participants.
That’s code word for “registration” folks.
The administration is quietly talking with a diverse array of interest groups, including religious leaders, mental-health professionals and hunters, to build as broad a coalition as possible, those involved in the discussions said.
The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. They are also not talking to the NRA. They are not talking to gun owners. We are going to be dictated to, apparently. That’s what “conversation” means to them.
Already, three weeks after the Newtown shooting, gun-control advocates are growing impatient with a legislative process that is just beginning.
You know, we’re just beginning too. I hope all you folks in Illinois are fighting hard still, because your performance so far has been stellar. In the end, if we get through this, we will owe a lot to you. We all will. The anti-gun strategy is to throw everything at the wall, and see what can stick. Then, they will come at us with those parts that look like they have some adhesion, after they have worn us down and broken us. But will we agree to be broken? I have already heard stories from readers who suggest they are running into people who believe the political process is no longer relevant, and are preparing for civil war. I think there is no better way than this to make civil war an inevitability. We must not let it get to that point, and we absolutely can still avert if we fight the political fight hard, and make ourselves heard. We all just have to follow the Illinoisans example.