The fight in Illinois is really heating up, and it’s very important that everyone in Illinois, that does business or is in any way associated with the state help call lawmakers and spread the word. What’s the situation on the ground? Well, the Chicago machine wants a consolation prize if they are going to be forced to accept concealed carry. Right now that’s in the form of a magazine ban. As I mentioned yesterday, the margin for votes is really thin, so this is where the anti-gunners are going to try to hit us next, and they are twisting arms, so it is incumbent upon us to twist back. If this picks up momentum, if they get another state, it’s going to get very difficult to stop.
Month: March 2013
Overreacting Parents
Sorry, I’m pulled away from the screen (and reading comments in my controversial post of the day) for a bit to make up a menu for the next week and get the shopping list uploaded for Sebastian. (He has the best grocery store with significantly lower prices near his office, so he gets the big trips while I do the little fill-in trips to the stores closer to home.) I’m also doing a little local pro-rights activism. Yay!
In the meantime, here’s a funny column addressing parents who not only overreact emotionally when something less than perfect happens to their little snowflake, but who also look to make a buck by taking the responsible party for the unpleasantness to court for the “crime” of being less-than-perfect.
Will He? Won’t He?
If there’s one thing to say about the press, you never know what to believe when it comes to what kind of spin they may want to add to the White House’s comments.
No Lawyers – Only Guns & Money highlights a report from Politico that shows WH spokesman Jay Carney sounding like the semi-auto rifle ban is a priority for the President who demands swift action. But then you read the Washington Post account and they tell Dianne Feinstein not to hold her breath because Carney apparently explicitly refused to say that Obama would lean on moderate Democrats to find the votes for her gun ban.
Certainly, the bigger threat is in the bill masquerading as “background checks.” But, it’s clear that there’s still an agenda out there for pushing the gun ban.
Recognizing Cultural & Political Shifts
I think it’s important to learn from a cultural shift that’s happening on an issue that’s both personal and political. It’s also one that has the potential to deeply divide a political party with one side believing that accepting a perceived “new” right will undermine everything they hold dear about their political ideology while others in the party are more open-minded to the change and even support it. One might assume that I’m talking about the issues of personal firearms ownership & self-defense and how they are viewed by Democrats outside of urban centers versus those in entrenched liberal areas. Actually, I think the issue I’m going to highlight is how the Democrats could view the cultural shifts on gun ownership through lessons the GOP should be learning on the issue of same-sex marriage.
If you follow any DC-based conservatives on Twitter at all, you’ve heard of CPAC. It has long been considered an event for conservatives to gather and talk about issues that make them identify as conservatives. For a few years, under the leadership of now-NRA president David Keene, CPAC allowed GOProud–a group of gay conservatives–to be co-sponsors and attend the event. After Keene left the helm of the group that puts on CPAC, they suddenly banned GOProud.
This year was no different in terms of a formal ban on the group, but another co-sponsoring organization was given the right to use a room to host their own panel. CEI opted to do an entire panel called “A Rainbow on the Right.” Photos show that the room was absolutely packed to the gills. Most of the folks in that photo are clearly young. They are the future of the movement. Meanwhile, CPAC officially hosted a panel with the National Organization for Marriage shortly before the Rainbow panel. The same link above compares the photos. That room was nearly empty. It featured rows and rows of empty seats.
Then, today, Senator Rob Portman officially came out in support of same-sex marriage. He notes that by supporting state decisions on marriage, and by ensuring that religious freedom is respected even while civil marriage rights are expanded, it’s an inherently conservative position on the side of limited government and individual freedom. It’s no secret here that both Sebastian and I support government recognition of same-sex marriages, so we both consider this really great news.
As I looked at the this debate this morning with the visible GOProud support, the lack of interest in the traditional marriage panel, and the op-ed that is likely sending many older folks on the right into a tizzy, I couldn’t help but see parallels in the left’s desperation to cling to gun control. For example, I was surfing the hashtags for the Pennsylvania Progressive Summit recently when I learned they were having a panel on gun control. During the panel and immediately after, the only tweets I saw at all from that panel all came from the official Summit account. Reading the tweets from actual activists during the session time period and immediately following, they were all focused on the student debt and right to work panels. In other words, they weren’t even in the room. There was not a single tweet during or immediately following the panel on gun control that came from a real activist even though there was an entire panel dedicated to the topic. That shows me that they have the same kind of enthusiasm gap on their side for the gun issue. And, like the gay marriage issue dividing some folks on the GOP side of the debate, the embrace of extreme gun control by party leaders from deep blue urban areas has cost members of their party from areas outside of those enclaves votes that cost elections. When Democratic Representative Dan Boren retired from Congress, he told the press that he didn’t feel the national party scene would allow him to continue to be “a local Democrat,…an Oklahoma Democrat.”
At some point, the “traditional” sides of each of these issues within each movement will need to accept the inevitable. Whether it’s gay rights or gun rights, many people are taking the attitude that if the decisions of another aren’t hurting them, they don’t feel the need to control it.
Gun Owning Parents Targeted
Apparently, one New York lawmaker is horrified that 11-year-olds might possibly see guns safely displayed and purchased by law-abiding citizens. So she wants to ban that.
I just intro’d bill to prevent kids under 12 from going to gun shows.Kudos to @agschneiderman for agreement on Model Gun Show Procedures.
— Linda B. Rosenthal(@LindaBRosenthal) March 14, 2013
She obviously believes that gun owners with kids cannot be trusted since they might possibly pass on that tradition of firearms ownership. To respond to this “threat” that gun ownership may still happen in the next generation, she’s trying to make introducing your children to safe and lawful use of firearms a crime one step at a time.
Bloomberg vs. Obama on Gun Shops
While MAIG & Mike Bloomberg are trying to make it sound like it’s no big deal for people to find an FFL to handle every single firearm transfer. MAIG seems to be the go-to group for the White House, and yet President Obama has previously called for a ban on any FFL within 5 miles of any park or school.
Below is a graphic I created in 2008 as an example of what such a ban would mean for one area gun shop to show the impact for our suburbs. The areas covered in red would be off limits.
This proposal backed by the President would effectively shut down nearly every single gun store in the nation. While I realize that the gun shop ban hasn’t been in the latest round of gun control proposals, it has been a serious proposal by the President in the past. Considering that the background check bill floated in the Senate doesn’t open up the system for individuals looking to transfer a firearm, but rather forces them to go through FFLs, it isn’t inappropriate to consider whether a future step would be to target these gun shops for closure so that it is nearly impossible to transfer firearms at all.
Emergency Action in Illinois Needed
Behind the scenes, while everyone is focusing on what’s reporting out of the Judiciary Committee in the federal Senate, things in Illinois have been heating up very quickly, and now they need to hear from gun owners there, once again.
The fight is over a magazine ban. A ten round magazine ban limit was defeated on a house floor vote by 57-59, which is a real squeaker. This bill had no grandfathering. Now the leadership are trying to come up with the votes to get it done, and it’s a very fluid situation. We need people to light em up and flood their phone banks and e-mail servers.
Thursday News Dump
Do I have enough for a news dump? I guess we’ll see. Yesterday was a club meeting, and I expected it to be a particularly contentious one. We also introduced ourselves to the leaders of a local pro-gun movement upstart here in the County on Monday, so time has been scarce. But I’ll give a news dump a good college try:
Gun Culture 2.0 is breaking out all over.
Fear of just about everything. In the taxonomy of gun control supports, you have the fearful, and the condescending. Sure, there are the concerned Americans, but they are a rarer member of the genus.
3D Printer Maker speaks at SXSW. Gun control is an obsolete concept. Clayton Cramer notes a rapidly expanding supply of STL files.
All your base…Â We are everywhere.
The AR-15 and CT gun companies.
More attacks on SAFE, and about 40 folks in Clinton County turn out to support a resolution denouncing SAFE.
The ammo shortage is not, repeat not, a conspiracy.
Obama is bringing up the armor piercing bullets canard again.
Mark Kelly tries to turn in his AR to the cops, well, how it might go if he really tried. Apparently he also does not know it’s unlawful to sell a gun to someone in another state.
We’ve here in America have eaten all the birds, and constantly drink coffee made from snow. I’m going to guess both of these are common practice in North Korea.
Utah scores dead last in Brady rankings, but how does its crime compared to California?
And don’t forget, today the Senate Judiciary Committee will be taking up the Wicked Witch of the West’s gun ban. UPDATE: The danger of posting ahead. Already reported out of Committee, though it wasn’t when I wrote this.
Feinstein’s Gun Ban On the Floor
The New York Times reports the semi-auto ban has passed out of committee on a party line vote:
“The road is uphill. I fully understand that,†said Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, the sponsor of the bill, after its passage in the committee. “My passion comes from what I’ve seen on the streets,†she said, adding, “I cannot get out of my mind trying to find the pulse in someone and putting my fingers in a bullet hole.â€
Hey, you know what millions of law abiding American gun owners did not do? Shoot Harvey Milk. Well, folks, now we have a floor fight on our hands. These are dangerous times we live in. Apparently Ted Cruz really went after Feinstein.
UPDATE: More from John Richardson, who has details on the Amendment game being played by the GOP.
Bloomberg’s Prohibitionist Side is Showing
Mike Bloomberg’s group, MAIG, tells the public that they just want to do things like mandate background checks for all gun transfers. That sounds harmless enough, but then their graphics department creates “scare graphics” to remind people that guns are everywhere and even they live near a gun shop!
It seems as though MAIG wants to promote commercial-only gun sales, yet then they turn around and use scary-looking graphics to remind anti-gun Americans that guns are lurking nearby. They try to tell us that we should only buy from gun shops, but they try to scare the low information voters with the number of FFLs in the country. If this graphic wasn’t meant to be scary, then it would say at the bottom something along the lines of, “So tell those Bible-thumping, second grade dropout rednecks to get their fat asses to their local gun shop when they want to pass that gun on to Toothless Billy Ray.”*
*While not actual language Bloomberg would say in public, it may represent what is actually going through his head.