But I Thought Gun Control Was a Winner?

Democrats are using pro-gun Democrats in key races in 2014, despite the fact that the party as a whole is supporting a massive new push on gun control. Good luck with that. In the past I’ve been willing to entertain pro-gun Democratic candidates, and I still appreciate those already serving in Congress who helped us defeat the latest gun control measures, but that’s a far cry from an untested name that knows how to answer a questionnaire and tell us what they think we want to hear. I fell for that trick with Casey. The Democratic Party has a long way to go before “just trust me” on guns is going to carry an weight at all on gun rights.

Madigan Asks for Extended Time

The State of Illinois has filed an application with the Supreme Court to extend the deadline for filing a Writ of Certiorari with the Supreme Court of the United States. Ordinarily, they would have until May 23 to file, but they are asking for it to be extended to June 24. What does this mean? Who knows. It’s hard to say whether they intend to file, and have just waited too long, or whether they are playing games and using delaying tactics. The extension request can be found here.

Getting Ready for Houston

We are getting ready to head to the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits, which are in Houston this year. I was originally planning on driving, because I swore never again to fly the TSA skies, but looking at having to spend 4 days driving for 4 days in Houston didn’t thrill me either, and I didn’t really want to take that much time off work right now. So after some quick calculations that showed driving was actually more expensive, I decided to break down and get plane tickets.

We usually do some coverage of the convention, though we don’t walk the floor as much these days. But there’s still always one or two near things on the floor. If you’re headed to Houston, and have never been to an Annual Meeting, be sure to stop by the Miniature Arms Society’s booth. You can see my coverage from previous years, and I always make it a stop.

Bug-a-Salt Review

Uncle did far more thorough testing with his Bug-a-Salt than I did. I did not try it on bees, for instance. I did try it on stink bugs, and found that stink bugs are pretty hardy. With my unit, I would often find it would often dewing flies, requiring follow up shots to put it out of its misery. But it is fun.