Things I Don’t Understand About Voting in Philly

I’m baffled by the stories that come out of Philadelphia after every single election. Last November, one polling location staffed by many Democrats thought it was perfectly appropriate to line up the voting machines in a room with a giant mural of a candidate on the ballot. A judge had to step in and let them know to cover it up. I wouldn’t even care if it was my candidate, my first thought would be to send someone out for a tarp, bed sheet, or giant roll of paper to cover it since it could clearly be seen as electioneering. But, no. This is something that Philadelphia poll workers needed a court to order.

After yesterday’s primary, the news was complaining about the lack of “shenanigans” that required court intervention in Philadelphia. I mean, how dare these people think that holding reasonable elections without rampant violations of election laws is acceptable?

That said, the main story this highlight still leaves me baffled. Apparently a candidate on the ballot tried to convince a poll worker running the elections to wear a temporary tattoo that promoted his campaign. The story says that the candidate was joking (but he apparently doesn’t dispute that he made the suggestion), but the opposition still went to court in order to get a judge to make it official that candidates should not be pushing poll workers to campaign illegally inside polling places. I would think this is common sense, but apparently not in Philadelphia.

And for these many reasons, I’ll never understand that city. I’m even more confused by the voters who consider all of this reasonable behavior.

Enough for a News Dump?

Thanks to an embroiled Obama Administration, gun news has just about dried up. But there’s still some talk on guns.

Are ‘smart guns’ a smart way to approach gun control? There’s a poll. says to expect more 2nd Amendment fights, and outlines some circuit splits.

Forbes does a really good article on how O’Malley’s gun control is anti-business. Anti-gun groups are running ads to praise O’Malley.

Josh Horwitz, Executive Director of Coalition to Stop Gun Ownership, is starting to sound as unhinged as Joan Peterson. Probably because CSGV is increasingly irrelevant. Bloomberg is gun control’s future.

A gun safe monitoring system. Hey, I think I could use this.

The hazards of cheap ARs.

Have you written thank you letters to your Senators? Well, we Pennsylvanians get out of that task, but I like the idea of thanking Beretta. I think I might thank them by buying one of their products.

A lot of folks in Illinois wants to know who is footing the bill for this lobbying effort.

Statistics, they are what’s for dinner when it comes to background checks. Clayton also has a paper out, which I’ve had in my tabs for weeks now, but I haven’t gotten around to reviewing.

I recently added Glenn Reynold’s paper too, but I’ll link that as well, since I shouldn’t kid myself these days about how much time I have to read things that take careful reading.

Mom’s Demand Action for Gun Sense Bans is going to attempt to pressure a number of companies to treat gun owners like second class citizens. I’ll put Starbucks, Walmart, Cabela’s, Wyndam, and National Car Rental on notice now that I boycott companies that treat me like a pariah.

Cabela’s we probably don’t have to worry about, because they are doing quite well in the Great Obama Gun Panic. Lots of positive articles coming out of Forbes these days.

NY SAFE is looking to be a real cluster as there seems to be no guidance for how to implement it.

Bill Maher is apparently a world class hypocrite. A lot of these celebrities and talking heads are.

Apparently the left doesn’t like the idea that there shouldn’t be any such thing as second class civil rights.

Well, that’s it until next time. As I said, the news cycle is scandal, scandal, and more scandal. And Tornados. But I had more stuff than I thought I did.

Well, The Great Obama Gun Panic is Over for Me

The last of my contribution to the panic buying has come in:


That’s about all the panic I could muster. Brownell’s finally shipped the last of my backorder from January and it arrived yesterday. I actually did not own a PMAG before the Great Panic, though I have many green follower magazines, most of them Brownell’s manufacturers, but I also have a few from other sources. Still have a ten round steel magazine from the ten years of darkness.

Coming at us Again in Illinois

A magazine ban is on the move. They are also, once again, trying to weasel out of the court order by passing some form of permitting system that will allow cronies of the Chicago political machine to carry, but probably not anyone else. The bill is SB1002.

It’s Election Day!

It’s primary day in Pennsylvania for most municipal elections, and it’s a great day to vote. Here is a partial list of MAIG mayors who may be on the ballot this year. It was written before filing deadlines, so a few of those mayors may have decided to retire. However, most have not.

After today, results will be more official, so it’s a great time to contact opposition to those MAIG mayors with serious challengers. There’s no reason to wait until 2014 to send the gun grabbers a message.

**Please excuse the post with relatively little detail about key races. I meant to do a better post on this topic yesterday, but the afternoon was largely spent watching KFOR in Oklahoma City online and helping spread word related to the statewide storms. My hometown was under a tornado warning for hours yesterday with multiple rotation areas detected throughout the day. Yet, through social media, folks were trying to get word out that the tornado sirens weren’t working for some reason.

Watching the live coverage had multiple veteran reporters losing the battle of tears on camera. There aren’t many places in the country where reporters will put down the cameras and join in the urgent searches, and yet that appears to be what happened in several cases when citizens were stepping up in areas where first responders couldn’t get quickly enough.

Official Statement on Supposed Perazzi Arrest

It turns out that the story that lit up the blogosphere was not exactly accurate. Or, as Perazzi says, “devoid of any foundation and the news is completely fabricated.”

With reference to press reports concerning Daniele Perazzi’s alleged unlawful arrest for terrorism last Saturday in Denver (Colorado), we state that the incident is devoid of any foundation and the news is completely fabricated. Daniele Perazzi (founder of Perazzi SpA) died last year, and his son Mauro was not in the United States last Saturday. The Perazzis are not involved in any wrongdoing in any way, shape or form and, to our best knowledge, are not under investigation or scrutiny nor are targets of criminal proceedings. It is difficoult to think that this news are a mistake; there are reasons to believe that somebody who has interests against the company is dissaminating false informations. The Perazzi Company, contrarily to what has been reported, is very familiar with the US legislation on weapons, due to its extensive and successful presence in the American market. Perazzi has allready given mandate to its lawyers to promote criminal and civil action with the purpose to protect the brand and company’s reputation and its activities conducted also in the United States.

Perazzi SpA
Roberta Perazzi CEO

Reciprocity Agreements Tweaked With Other States

Sorry for not noticing this, but it would seem our anti-gun Attorney General, Kathleen Kane, has revised our reciprocity agreements with Virginia and Arizona. If you hold a non-resident permit from either of these states, you can no longer carry in Pennsylvania. If you’re from out of state, and not a resident of a reciprocal state, or you’re a PA resident in Philly [Looks like Utah requires a license from your home state before they’ll issue], and you can’t get an LTC because you forgot to pay a parking ticket or had a gun stolen once (two real cases), I would suggest looking into the Utah permit. Utah is recognized by Pennsylvania through statute, meaning Kane has no power to dinker with any agreement. You need to find a Utah certified instructor, but the State of Utah provides a convenient list. There are a number of instructors in Pennsylvania, and it’s a very widely recognized permit by other states.

Gun Bills Pass in New Jersey


This afternoon, the New Jersey Assembly passed 4 gun bills, as follows:

A3797(Requires NJ State Police to disclose confidential ATF trace data in violation of federal law). This bill now moves to the Governor’s desk.

A3796(Reopens “assault” firearms compliance window for only 180 days; fails to allow compliance for prohibited magazines and ammunition).  This bill now moves to the Governor’s desk.

A3583(Creates school security task force). This bill now moves to the Governor’s desk.

A3717(Submits mental health records to NICS – no stated requirement of due process).  This bill was amended today and will have to be reconsidered by the full Senate (next scheduled meeting is currently May 30th).

Major state house activity is not anticipated until the next full Senate floor vote.

Additional updates and action alerts will be forthcoming.

Is that it? If that’s it, you guys got off a lot lighter than I would have figured.

Prosecutorial Discretion in DC

Apparently they have heard of it, for people who aren’t David Gregory. Of course, the fact that this guy, who shot a Pitbull attacking a child, still has to face a fine is still a travesty. We’re dealing with a guy who has no record, who is an upstanding citizen that did the right thing. The gun was legally purchased in Virginia when he lived there. Gun rights in DC are only for the rich. I guess he’s gotten the message now.