Firearms & The Zimmerman Jury

CNN has a piece on the role that familiarity with firearms may play in regards to the jury in George Zimmerman’s trial. It features one of the “tests” that Zimmerman’s attorney used in selection proceedings and also features a few comments by a firearms attorney from Florida on the value of women on the jury in this case.

Sorry for nearly all video content today. I’m playing stuff in the background as I put together materials for a gun show table this weekend. Being a “real world” activist is sometimes distracting from blogging. :)

David Kopel on The Truth About Gun Control

Dave Kopel gives a speech talking about how the issue of standing up to a tyrannical government (through the eyes of the founding generation) is related to the issue of personal self-defense. In both cases, it’s both self-defense and defeating tyranny. The topic is an introduction to his longer form essay book The Truth About Gun Control.

It Just Gets Worse for MAIG

The general right-of-center media has had a field day with Mike Bloomberg’s missteps with his MAIG bus tour. It seems like there are stories about it every single day since his people read off the Boston bomber as a gun violence victim whose life they want to protect.

Now the Washington Examiner is looking over MAIG’s list and found that just a quick review shows that about 1 in 12 names on their list of victims are actually criminals themselves who were killed in the progress of committing a crime by police or armed citizens in acts of self-defense. MAIG is having to walk back from the list and is now trying to say that the story isn’t in the circumstances surrounding the names, but the numbers. That’s interesting since the entire tour and the bus itself are branded as the “No More Names” tour, not the “No More Numbers” tour.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns doesn’t even defend their criminal mayors so publicly, yet they’ll stand by and say that the number of criminals killed in the midst of violent crimes matter. At least their criminal mayor members are typically non-violent criminals.

Video of Tazing Incident in New Hampshire

A local TV station got video of the takedown in Concord, New Hampshire, of the protestor who confronted one of the MAIG speakers at the podium. From what it looks like to me is he was trying to physically turn the officer around so he would look at the camera. All I could think about watching this was “This guy is Peter Griffith from Family Guy.” Except I think Peter Griffith probably respects the personal space of others better than this guy does. I’m not sure an arrest and tasering is an appropriate response to what’s pretty clearly non-assaultive personal contact, but at this point I think most people know with today’s “officer safety” culture that even touching a cop is going to land you in the hoosegow.

Mike Bloomberg’s Rats

We all know about NYC’s Mike Bloomberg illegal mayor problem in Mayors Against Illegal Guns, where he recruits dozens of criminal mayors to work with him at disarming law abiding citizens. But it looks like Bloomberg is trying to help out another type of rat take over in people’s lives.

Bloomberg is instituting a composting law in New York City that will ask (initially, then require in a couple of years) residents to store rotting food for a week so the city can collect it. Yes, he is asking entire city of New York to keep food scraps sitting around to attract more rodents and bugs for a week while they wait for the city to send a special collection team to pick it up.

Now, I have no issue with people who choose to composte. In fact, the city apparently did a voluntary trial run on Staten Island that saw rather significant participation rates. But what they don’t seem to be focusing on is that those participants lived in single family homes on lots that gave them the option to store the food scraps outside of the living areas. Those who live in high rises will not have that kind of flexibility.

But that’s not the only kind of rodents Bloomberg is promoting at the moment.

His Mayors Against Illegal Guns tour continues to garner negative attention for how they define gun violence victims. It’s not just the Boston bomber that Bloomberg’s group initially labeled a “victim.” Did you know that cop killers are victims we must mourn? Jacob also shows us that Bloomberg labeled a man who was shot by police while threatening a toddler’s life as a gun violence victim. Mike Bloomberg and his MAIG allies think we need to stop the lawful defensive shootings senseless slayings of these killers targeting law enforcement and children. It’s an interesting position to take by a group with a higher-than-average rate of criminal activity.

Manchin Unveils Ads

He was on The Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning. You can follow and see the videos. He asks for West Virginians to call the NRA and tell them to support background checks. I’m sure the phones are going to be ringing off the hooks in Fairfax over this one.

On Monday, Manchin unveiled plans to match the NRA by pulling from his re-election war chest to bankroll a counter-attack ad buy—an unusual move for a just-reelected senator.

Good. Make him spend money. We’re going to have running fights over the next six years as we try to punish all the people involved with this latest gun control push. We have to have long memories and be committed to a lengthy fight.

Wednesday News Links

All the news that’s fit to link:

A mystery man is seen handing out cash to “supporters” of a Colorado Democrat facing a recall election.

Hunting with the AR-15 on All Outdoor. This is a new spinoff from the folks that brought you The Firearm Blog, so if you’re a fan of TFB, it might be worth stopping in.

It takes more than an EF-4 to ruin a Smith & Wesson M&P. Probably the best advertising Smith & Wesson could probably imagine getting for free.

The enhanced restaurant carry bill in North Carolina has cleared the Senate. Now back to the House for concurrence, and then off to the Governor. But there is trouble brewing, so be sure to call.

The GOP in New York may have a candidate for Governor to go against Cuomo. Though, the last GOP governor in NY, George Pataki, was nothing to write home about.

Illinois towns are looking into gun bans. It’s probable that all the delays in implementing a shall-issue carry bill are to get some more gun bans in and get them grandfathered.

The Heller ruling after 5 years. Has it been that long? I still think it was a great victory, but I have renewed worry about what eight years of Obama is going to do to the federal courts, and where we’ll be able to take Second Amendment law from here.

Uncle has more to say about the anti-gun woman who is carrying for a month as an experiment. His audience is leaving comments too that just seem to end up in the bit bucket. I noticed they did approve a comment today, so it would appear to be reasoned discourse at work.

A 14-year-old is facing a year in jail over an NRA t-shirt. Experts say zero tolerance could backfire.

Democrats quietly renew push for gun control.

Organizing for Action, formerly Obama for America, draws a whopping 3 people to a gun control rally…. in California.

Joe Huffman has a regular monday piece featuring anti-gun folks making penis references about gun owners. Apparently he’s good into 2014. There’s no shortage of material.

Don Kates on shutting up anti-gun hysterics.

Delaware Governor Jack Markell signs a second gun control bill. This time it’s Lost & Stolen. The Philadelphia Inquirer is busy helping lay the ground work to get it passed here.

New Jersey gun control groups are already pressuring newly appointed New Jersey Senator Jeff Chiesa on gun control.

UPDATE: Forgot one: Has Zimmerman Waived His Right to a Pre-Trial “Stand-Your-Ground” Hearing? Learn the Truth. It got mixed in with work tabs.

Bloomberg Names Boston Bombers as Gun Violence Victims

According to Brietbart. Sometimes I think Bloomberg is smart enough to avoid the kinds of amateurish mistakes I’d expect of CSGV or the Brady Campaign, but wow. Apparently in reading off a list of gun violence victims, they mentioned Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Glad to see MAIG sticking up for terrorists. Stay classy.