Bloomberg has been digging in Uncle’s backyard. I know the feeling. I don’t live in a borough with a mayor, but the town I share a post office with has a MAIG mayor. Targeting mayoral races that have MAIG mayors is something we’ve wanted to do for a while, but gun owners just aren’t used to thinking on the local level. There’s also the issue whether it’s best to expend energy going after individual mayors, or just take a whack-a-mole approach and crush them when they run for higher offices where they could have some impact on gun policy. Nonetheless if you have a MAIG mayor in your town, I’d contact them and complain.
Is Your Town a MAIG Town?

Phoenix? Yes.
Tempe? Also yes.
Tucson? Oh hell yes?
My town? Hell. No.
My mayor would sexually harass me if I called him to complain about him being in MAG.
Yes…. I believe he would :)
I take it you live in the City of San Diego, CA
“gun owners just aren’t used to thinking on the local level.”
I’m not sure what to say about that. I guess it’s the “used to” part I question. I think it’s more a case that gun owners are more used to writing a check and/or a couple letters to legislators and feeling like they’ve done their bit. Unless highly motivated by some action, most of them aren’t really up for spending any real time on a local campaign. I don’t know how analogous it was, but when I took the Bucks County Sheriff to court over a LTCF issue some years ago, of the 25,000 or so permit holders in the county, not one who wasn’t a close personal friend wrote a check to support the case. One sent me a nice letter of encouragement, and several called me up to ask if I could add their issue to my suit, but “keep their names out of it.” Even the local clubs required a little shaming and brow-beating to participate.
On the other hand, for someone with the right promotional skills, I think a local campaign against a MAIG type could be fun, and cheap, because a lot of different things could be done inexpensively. Give people a master campaign handout, tell them to get 100 copies made by hook-or-crook, and distribute them door to door on their street. Seeing immediate results (e.g., outrage) could be motivating for more people.
My small borough just outside Pittsburgh does not have a MAIG Mayor, but I did notice per MAIG’s site that a lot of the boroughs closer in towards the city do have Mayors in MAIG, and of course the outgoing Mayor of Pittsburgh belongs to the group.
At least in my town, rallying the citizenry against a Mayor who ends up joining MAIG shouldn’t cost much at all. It would even be extra special for me as I’m a native New Yorker who likes to say I moved out of that cesspool to get away from the likes of Bloomberg and Cuomo.
Again I find the MAG (Mayors against Guns) website out of date. Several of the mayors listed as members in my state have been out of office for some time.
My town and the town nearby (we’re both college towns have both signed on to MAIG and likely have been for a while I haven’t taken the local mayor to task yet on his alliance but I don’t think he’s intelligent to know what he got himself into. I’m in talks with MRCGO here in Michigan about running a possible campaign against my local mayor as an independent candidate come election in 2 years time.