Quote of the Day

Very interesting. They even seem to be organizing into a well-regulated militia of sorts. Read the whole thing.

Well, let’s be honest, when it comes to the folks who argue that we have to be a well-regulated militia to assert our rights, there wouldn’t be any “militia” that’s “well-regulated” enough for them to be comfortable with the idea.

Remember, we’re the enemy …

… crazy people are just the pretext. I don’t think too many people would suggest Adam Lanza was engaged in recreational shooting, but naturally we’re the ones who are made to pay for his sins. Is this really how a just society is supposed to work?

High School Rifle Teams Targeted

An Emmaus High School sports team went undefeated last year, but there’s no mention of the record in the yearbook. In fact, the fact that there was a school rifle team at all was left out. The photographer for the yearbook provided a photo to the staff, but the yearbook advisor is so far not answering questions from parents about why their children were left out of the yearbook while other teams were featured. It’s great that the parents are taking this issue all the way to the top and demanding public accountability for why the yearbook staff appears to be picking on some kids by leaving them out of the yearbook even after being provided pictures and a story.

I actually came across this story by chance when I was looking up the school because they are in need of a new rifle coach – pronto. They aren’t the only school in the area in need, as Freedom High School nearby also needs a rifle coach. If you know anyone who would be interesting in coaching a high school rifle team in the Allentown region, please shoot me an email and I’ll connect you with the people looking to help these teams out.

It would be a shame if the yearbook staff who may have decided that competitive shooters aren’t even worth acknowledging as their fellow students won by not only successfully ignoring the team’s existence, but then also got to celebrate the fact that the team was forced to disband.

Recall on Caracal C Pistols

Via guns save lives. It’s a money back recall, as in can’t be fixed. You send them your gun back and they’ll refund your money. I use different rules for collector pieces, but I generally won’t have a primary carry gun that isn’t, at the least, commonly issued by police departments. Back when I was new to this and stupid, I carried a Bersa Thunder .380. I carried that until the magazine safety mechanism broke and the gun stopped functioning with less than 1000 rounds on it. I still haven’t gotten it fixed because it can sit in my safe broken just as easily as sit in it fixed. Now my primary carry gun is a Glock 19, and I don’t see that changing. Backup or pocket guns are another ball o’ wax.

UPDATE: More from TFB here, who is also covering the recall.

Upcoming Book: “Negroes and the Gun”

This is a story that really needs to be told, and I hope everyone will get themselves a copy when the book comes out. Here is an excerpt:

Gun! Just the word raises the temperature. Add Negroes and the mixture is incendiary, evoking images of hopeless young gangsters terrorizing blighted neighborhoods.

This book tells a dramatically different story. It chronicles a tradition of church folk, merchants and strivers, the very best people in the community, armed and committed to the principle of individual self-defense. This black tradition of arms takes root early and ranges fully into the modern era. It is demonstrated in Fredrick Douglass’ advice of a good revolver as the best response to slave catchers. It is evident in mature form in 1963, when Hartman Turnbow of Mississippi fought off a Klan attack with rifle fire. Turnbow considered this fully consistent with the principles of the freedom movement, explaining, “I wasn’t being non-nonviolent, I was just protectin’ my family”.

The black tradition of arms has been submerged because it seems hard to reconcile with the dominant narrative of nonviolence in modern civil rights movement. But that superficial tension is resolved by the longstanding distinction that was vividly evoked by movement stalwart Fannie Lou Hamer. Hamer’s advice about segregationists who dominated Mississippi politics was, “Baby you just got to love ‘em. Hating just makes you sick and weak.” But asked how she survived the threats from midnight terrorists Hamer responded, “I’ll tell you why. I keep a shotgun in every corner of my bedroom and the first cracker even look like he wants to throw some dynamite on my porch won’t write his mama again.”

Read the whole thing, and you can pre-order the book here.

Tuesday News

When the media isn’t busy talking about whether George Zimmerman had a hard poop this morning, they are talking about Syria. It’s still a gun news desert. That might change after the recall elections. If we win, you can expect crickets. If we lose, you can expect it to be evidence the people want more gun control, and you can expect the media, politicians and gun control advocates to start beating the drum again. If we win one but not the other, pundits will wring their hands and ponder what it means. I’ll take a dry news cycle for a win.

NYC cops dealing in illegal firearms? Maybe Bloomberg should look in his own backyard before looking in mine.

Comparing murder rates between countries is troublesome because they all have different standards.

Pete King (R-NY) is planning to run for President. That’s crazy talk. The GOP will never nominate a RINO from a deep blue northeastern state.

ATF has published their proposed ATF rule.

So some two-bit dictator gasses a lot of his people, and the UN is hapless. But one guy shoots another guy and they are all over that. Why is it we continue to let the UN occupy some of the most valuable real-estate in the US?

I’d just like to make clear, I’d never endorse destruction of public property. No. Never.

Panic in Maryland, as gun control law looms.

Fallout from the SAFE act continues in New York.

Massad Ayoob on Aftershocks in the Zimmerman verdict.

Guns Against Tyranny. A must read by an immigrant from China.

Zimmerman OMG!

Isn’t this guy’s 15 minutes over yet? Miguel takes the most comprehensive look at the reaction. Apparently GZ is in the midst of a messy divorce and his wife is making allegations. This is me twirling my finger. I guess that’s just how the cracker crumbles. I don’t plan to keep covering the comings and goings of George Zimmerman. I couldn’t be filled with more don’t give a crap about him at this point.

Colorado Recalls: Today Is It

Bloomberg has dropped $350,000 in an attempt to buy the race. All we have are our votes, so if you’re in those two districts, please be sure to vote today.

The money from Bloomberg, an advocate for stricter gun laws with his group Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns, is formidable compared to any single contribution that recall backers have publicly disclosed. In all, Morse and Giron’s supporters have raised about $2.5 million, including Bloomberg’s contribution and $250,000 from billionaire philanthropist Eli Broad.

And while recall backers have been mum about their spending, Democrats think the amount is formidable, noting that some of their opponents are nonprofits that don’t have to disclose their contributions.

In other words, their opponents are real grassroots organizations, and not a couple of rich assholes.

Victor Head, a 29-year-old plumber who organized the recall effort against Giron, said he and his friends were so enraged by what they saw at the state Capitol that they came to the simple conclusion: “No more sitting on the couch and shaking our fist at the TV.”

And that’s all it takes. A few motivated people can make a huge difference. Also, keep in mind that NRA is putting $361,700 into the recalls, and that money doesn’t come from a handful of wealthy patrons, it comes from you and me in 20 dollar increments here and there.

UPDATE: The stakes are high folks.

Surreal TV

This isn’t something I could have ever believed I’d see a decade ago. More on the gutting of Chicago’s gun control ordinances at the Chicago Sun-Times. To quote Joe Biden, this is a big effin deal.

UPDATE: Originally I tried to embed the video directly, but it sets to autoplay if you embed it, which I find to be one of those obnoxious things web designers do.

Waiting Periods are Back

It looks like Washington, DC wants to institute new waiting periods. The reason?

“They can’t be responsible for themselves, as well as the person doing the work on them,” [Council member Yvette M. Alexander] said. “We’re making sure when that decision is made that you’re in the right frame of mind, and you don’t wake up in the morning . . . saying, ‘Oh my God, what happened?’”

The new waiting periods are for tattoos and piercings. The people cannot be trusted to make decisions with their own bodies, so the government must restrict it.

I love how the tattoo artist interviewed notes that if the concern is regulating regret, then they could just restrict serving clearly intoxicated patrons. Instead, the new regulations will likely drive business underground where they won’t even honor basic regulations that actually have to do with public health concerns. Everyone will be more at risk to health problems because the DC City Council wants to institute a waiting period to stop even perfectly sober people from being pierced or inked on a whim.

For what it’s worth, I’ve had multiple piercings done on a whim. When I decided that I regretted one, I didn’t need a government bureaucrat to solve the problem for me. I managed to allow the hole to close completely on my own without an overbearing nanny state holding my hand. I’m sure that somewhere a bureaucrat is weeping to know that a citizen managed to make a decision without them.