Sadly, I managed to lose a number of tabs in Safari, so that means a smaller news dump today than usual:
Are people really this stupid? Sadly, yes.
When they come. When you boil away all the feel good nonsense, Bob’s nightmare scenario is what gun control means in the end. They don’t enforce these laws with time outs and hugs at the end. If you’re going to make something a serious felony, it had better be worth subjecting people to this, because that’s what it means.
Predictions of doom from Idaho on allowing campus carry. None of these predictions have panned out anywhere else. By now they should have zero credibility.
Massad Ayoob: Why gun people need to travel carefully.
Brady’s fuzzy math on NICS denials. They act like every single one of those people denied would have robbed a bank or something if they had gotten a gun. A large percentage of them are actually false positives.
ATF:Â They set a higher standard for us than they live up to themselves.
At what age can someone set up an NFA trust?
Our opponents at least do failure well.
All Nine Yards is looking to target some Florida MAIG mayors.
Ruger is expanding in North Carolina. We won the Civil War because the North had all the arms manufacturing. My guess if America wants to excise the blue state appendix in the future, it will have little trouble.
NRA is scoring the surgeon general vote. I’m kind of surprised they’d pick a fight over this. Does anyone care what the surgeon general has to say these days?
West Virginia enhancing preemption.
They get an A for boldness, but I doubt Giffords and Kelly will find much success in this strategy.