It’s nearly 2AM, and my work was interrupted about an hour and a half ago because a relatively mild storm knocked our power out. I was this frigging close || to ending the crisis at the client and getting us some breathing room. It amazes me I weathered Irene and Sandy without losing power, and now I’m pushing two hours being out from a practically nothing storm. I have three UPSes to power my whole operation at the home office, and when things start running down, I feel like this:
We’ve already run down the UPS that powers the server. That’s on double backup, which consists of a marine deep cell battery with a 300W inverter. The blog will stay up as long as that lasts, but in the morning if we still don’t have power, it’s generator time.
I’m assuming, since I’m seeing this at nearly 8:00am, that the power is back on.
Came back at about 5:30AM, and I didn’t get a wink of sleep until it came back. I can’t sleep with absolutely zero noise, when it’s humid out and the air conditioning isn’t working :)
I sympathize. At least you didn’t have to evacuate the basement.