Not much gun news that’s very exciting today, so it’ll have to be news links today for the lot of you. The latest trend in media sites working to ensure no one bothers to read them is now playing 20 questions before you can read an article. I’m not going to play, and won’t make any of you, so if you see that, it’s a mistake. But I will do my best to weed that out. The list of sites so annoying, that I won’t link to them, continues to grow and grow:
Rosa Parks’ experience with firearms: “Very late in the process, the leadership of civil rights groups became concerned that groups like the Black Panthers were damaging their brand, and so swept all that under the carpet.” Sound familiar?
When A+ rated politicians are getting extra DPS protection because of death threats, in Texas, something has gone seriously off the rails.
Eric Holder is a sad, sad panda. I am very happy to disappoint him.
Maryland gun rights groups are having their Second Annual Second Amendment day tomorrow in Annapolis. It seems Minnesota already had a successful lobby day.
Campus Carry advancing in Montana and Wyoming. though the bill looks to be dead in the Virginia Senate.
Idaho is now considering Constitutional Carry. We need to pass this in another state to keep the momentum going.
They’ve never had the numbers to amount to anything. Without Bloomberg’s money the movement would be nothing. It would already be in the dustbin of history.
I think these sites just make up facts when they write stories. Case in point: “The ease of availability of small arms is driving growth in the US guns market. The gun-related incidents of crime and violence are on the rise whilst the convenience and economic factors of smaller arms are making them the weapon of choice for law enforcement agencies.”
This writer is clearly under 40, “I never heard of a kid getting shot by a cop because his Star Trek phaser was mistaken for a real gun. It was an era in which toys looked like toys.” Back in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and even as late as the 80s, manufacturers were making realistic looking toys guns, and somehow we all managed to survive.
“Every time the gun lobby attempts to weaken our existing laws, we will show up,” which is why we also need to show up. Never let them own the field. The laws that were passed in Colorado in 2013 absolutely need to be repealed, even if it takes a decade.
SAF is filing a new suit against DC’s new concealed carry laws while Palmer is still in the works. I believe contempt is still an option for the judge in the Palmer case.
“We don’t have to guess how hardened criminals will get their guns if universal background checks are passed, because we already know how they get them now: through theft, black market purchases, criminal associates, and straw purchasers. Background checks cannot and do not stop any of these things.” All background checks did was force criminals to use straw buyers.
This gun condom less-than-lethal looks like a magnificently bad idea.
Miguel talks about some misconceptions our opponents have about LEO training.
A man is charged for shooting at DEA agents in a raid. He is claiming self-defense.
Taser Madness!
An enhancement of the FOPA safe-travel provision would be the perfect kind of bill to put on Obama’s desk to dare him to veto. Out them for being the radicals they are.
Joe Huffman takes a close look at Operation Choke point. Dave Hardy notes: “Now, if someone whose bank spurned them would file a Federal Tort Claims Act claim, citing tortious interference with contract, things might get quite lively, especially during the discovery process.” I absolutely believe we should try to file suit over this.
Off Topic:
I always thought hotels that had hourly rates were something of a legend. Apparently not in Philly.
Ian did a post on vaccines here a bit ago, my own view is closer to Ace’s, though, I’d add that epidemics are kind of like fire. It can go from being a not so serious problem to a crisis right quick. Also this.