Pretty clearly I need to do a better job of keeping this feature a weekly one, or I’m going to have to change it to biweekly gun news. So what gun news is there? Let’s clean out the tabs!
A reasonably balanced article in Jezebel about moms and guns.
NRA directly addresses the impact of Obergefell on concealed carry reciprocity. I really hope no one ends up going to jail because they believed this.
CNN’s Lynne Russell: “If you don’t want to carry please don’t. Then, shut the f–k up about it. Make your own decisions.” Good for her. Minding other people’s business has become an epidemic in this country.
Are school shootings contagious? We in the gun blogosphere have been saying for a while that the media attention the killers get are the prime mover for mass slayings. Not that they should, but no one will speak of restricting the media from glorifying the killer, because of the First Amendment. A shame the Second doesn’t draw as much respect.
Jacob Sullum: “‘If Congress had passed some common-sense gun safety reforms after Newtown,’ President Obama said on Friday, ‘we don’t know if it would have prevented what happened in Charleston.’ Actually, we do know:”
NRA a hate group? Yes, says gun control group.
A review of the Walther CCP.
Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy is trying to shut down the nation’s largest FFL, arguing that Walmart can’t possibly sell guns responsibility. Remember folks, they aren’t after your guns, only trying to ensure you don’t have anywhere to buy one. Common sense gun laws!
Of course, the gun ban lobby, much like our President, is lately enamored with Australia’s gun laws, which conducted a forced confiscation.
Positive coverage of the gun issue in…. the Boston Globe?
Chris Christie is trying very hard to ease his problems with gun owners, but he’s got a few other bills he’ll be expected to veto coming up. I just don’t see how he’s going to get through the primaries as a blue state Republican governor. But then again, I never would have expected Donald Trump to jump into the number two slot, ever.
Leland Yee takes a plea deal on racketeering charges.
Top three contenders for the XM17 modular handgun program.
Remember, gun control groups claim that guns are less regulated than teddy bears.
There is an effort in New Jersey to recall Stephen Sweeney. As a wise man once said: punch back twice as hard.
Hey, Uber, how’s that anti-gun policy working out for ya?
Off Topic:
Greeks vote for free money to fall from the skies. Eventually socialism runs out of other people’s money. The Germans have snatched back their credit card and probably aren’t giving it back. This will not end well. Take a hard look though, because this will be us eventually, if things don’t change. It’s already partly here.
On that George Takai thing calling Justice Thomas a “clown in blackface,” I couldn’t agree more with Ace. I was surprised he apologized. Who was going to force that? Certainly not the media, and certainly not the Social Justice Warriors.