I wanted to get this out yesterday, but time did not permit. Sorry for the dead air. It was more busy rather than lack of things to talk about. Let me gather up all the news:
Wisconsin is about to be rid of its waiting period to buy a handgun, among other improvements.
Eugene Volokh: “If you openly carry a gun, don’t do it while loudly singing Hakuna Matata.” Probably good advice. As open carry becomes more ordinary, expect people who do it for the wrong reasons to get more and more outrageous in search of attention.
Major management shakeup at Remington.
Ed Peruta is a colorful character, to put it mildly. Mother Jones somehow manages to do a fair article on the man.
Professor Glenn Reynolds notes “The TSA can’t spot ordinary guns. So what’s the response?” Ban the plastic ones, of course (even though undetectable plastic guns are already banned).
The Daily Beast questions the effectiveness of Wear Orange Day.
Newsweek thinks campus carry passing in Texas is a victory for gun control, since we didn’t get everything we wanted. Don’t you worry, Newsweek. We’ll be back for the rest later.
Charles C.W. Cooke writes about the proposed ITAR regulations.
Wired: “I made an untraceable AR-15 ‘Ghost Gun’ in My Office — And It Was Easy.” I hope he used a bullet button, otherwise that AR-15 is illegal in California.
Bloomberg View: “When Tech Kills Gun Control.”
Michael Pfleger: NRA “will pay pay for the murder of our children.” I thought for a minute he was saying NRA was doing a whole murder for hire thing in Chicago. Pfleger is a world class nut job. I could believe anything from him.
You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. If Ted Cruz had gone on a shoot with a prohibited person, the media would have torn him apart and his campaign would be over. Instead, they criticize the campaign for running background checks on prospective shooters.
You know the whole “mass shootings on the rise” meme started by an FBI report? Yeah, the characterization of the report was bullshit. The FBI researchers admit it. This was all ginned up by the Administration to support its gun control agenda.
Hey, I just want to be able to carry if I choose without having to carry a rule list of where I can and can’t go around with me. These are the people who are truly obsessed.
Oregon may be getting some reciprocity, since apparently a lot of Dems are worried about their votes on banning private firearms transfers.
Musical targets! I guess you’d need three or more shooters to do chords.
Colonial Williamsburg to open public musket range.
Off Topic:
Only sort of off topic, since I allow comments too: Reason gets hit with a federal subpoena to uncloak nasty commenters. Popehat takes the feds to task over it in a way that only Popehat can. Apparently this is legal, but it’s clearly abuse, and meant to intimidate.
The Fallen of World War II. I saw this floating around on social media on the D-Day anniversary. Really well done.
Note to Chris Christie: Debate is a healthy thing. I’ve had about enough of people shutting down debate.