March is here, but it still feels like February. I hate to drop a news link dump, but I’m feeling positively uninspired by the current news cycle. So here we go:
Alan Gura: Putting Teeth in Heller’s Promise.
Dave Kopel:”Lyman Trumbull’s role as a Second Amendment champion was somewhat accidental, for he was not a “gun guyâ€; he didn’t carry a gun for protection, even when traveling,  and his preferred sports were sailing and croquet. The reason that he ended up doing so much for Second Amendment was that  during public career of 1840-96 he was always an ardent champion of the working man. In congressional statutes and in court cases, he defended Second Amendment rights because those rights were necessary for the working man to resist oppression by the wealthy–for the freedmen in the Reconstructed South to  protect themselves from de facto re-enslavement, and for the immigrant laborers of the industrial North to defend their rights to organize and protest.”
Yeah lady, Trayvon did bit the crap out of Zimmerman, which is why he got shot.
I guess DC decided they didn’t want the negative publicity a denial would undoubtedly cause. Being the squeaky wheel is not usually a bad strategy.
NRA is trying to whip up action in Congress to fix the issue with M855 ammunition. Looks like a modification to the language may be in process which would also restore some other ammo ATF has banned in recent years. It would also end this nonsense of “as soon as someone makes a pistol,” we get a ban.
Arizona moving on legalizing SBRs, SBSs, and suppressors. Wait, I thought they were already legal in AZ? Something tells me a reporter is confused.
Glenn Reynolds has some interesting thoughts about the Third Amendment at USA Today.
Joshua Prince is trying to get the names of people who donated to Lancaster’s defense fund. I’d bet it’s all politicians or former politicians. Price has argued in the past that it’s a conspiracy to violate state criminal law to donate.
Rand Paul tops the CPAC straw poll. I believe the future of the GOP is more libertarian than conservative, and while I think Paul will do better than many think, I think there are enough foreign policy hawks in the GOP to ensure he doesn’t win. At least not this time. I blame Putin!
Mass shooting in South Korea, where guns are banned.
Drone control will be about as successful as gun control. It’s only going to deter people who mean no harm.
PowerLine Blog discusses the M855 ban. This is really getting some serious traction. Bob Owens thinks this “may spectacularly backfire.” I agree. I think Obama might have bitten off more than he can chew with this.
Don’t ever let anyone tell you these people don’t want to take your guns. They were ready to celebrate a broad ban on ammunition, before they were corrected. BTW, I’m seeing it go around gun circles too that they are looking to ban all 5.56mm/.223 ammunition. Overall, that might end up being a good thing if it helps some people get off their butts and do something.
Campuses that allow guns: good enough for Shannon Watts’ kids.
Hey, when you demand they use strict scrutiny, it’s surprising what the courts are willing to do.
Eric Holder: It’s just too hard to prosecute people for lawful self defense.
Constitutional Carry is doing well in Kansas.
I guess publishing the information on handgun license holders isn’t a wise career move in the long term. I don’t feel the least bit sorry for her.
Giving ATF asset forfeiture powers. What could possibly go wrong?
Philly news station: Man shot after verbal dispute. What they didn’t note is that the man who was shot ended up that way because he was arguing using a knife. They don’t want to admit that ordinary people can defend themselves — doesn’t fit the narrative.