It’ll be a very busy next several weeks, since we just settled on our new building, which we’ll be moving into before Thanksgiving, and I’m trying not to fall behind with client work at the same time. So thinks around here may be scarce some days. But my tabs are getting crowded, so it’s time to clear them:
Smart guns don’t work so well, so now it’s time for smart magazines!
Maryland scraps its gun fingerprint database because it was useless. Most ideas floated by gun control advocates are useless.
Troll or derp? It’s hard to tell these days.
What gun porn is from the guy who invented the term. I can’t think of anyone using gun porn as a term before SayUncle did.
Clayton Cramer has a new paper out “Do Ammunition Background Checks Reduce Murder Rates?” This is good stuff. The people passing this garbage couldn’t care less whether it’s effective. It’s only meant to frustrate you from your rights. But federal courts are supposed to care.
Dave Kopel has been writing about gun issues a lot over at The Volokh Conspiracy. See:
“Safe storage of firearms: The harms from Bloomberg’s strange background check system.”
“English Legal History and the Right to Carry Arms.”
“Handgun bans for persons under 21: A hidden problem in Everytown’s ‘universal background checks’” and finally,
Kindergartners get gun safety lessons at school. To a lot of gun control folks, this is a bad thing as long as NRA is doing it. They promote an abstinence only method. Puritans.
Andrew Branca tears apart a “scientific” study of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law.
Dave Hardy links to the oral arguments in the Ezell II case. Note the difference in the level of preparedness and presentation between the Chicago attorney and Alan Gura. I think the judges noticed too. I figure at least one dissenter. Hopefully this case will go well for us. I’m optimistic after listening to that.
I’m not sure why I’m bothering to link this, since no one likes Martin O’Malley, but his 7 point plan on gun control is the same tired shit I’ve been listening to from anti-gunners my whole life.
Speaking of tired shit: “Does the phrase ‘gun control’ hurt the push for new gun laws?” You can call it whatever you want at this point. The public hasn’t been fooled by this crap in the past, and it won’t be in the future. Cam Edwards seems to agree.
Hey, I agree with Hillary on something. But I don’t think she and I agree what the end result would be of making this a fact. Hopefully she keeps writing our 2016 campaign ads.
Speaking of Hillary, apparently she’s making video games an issue. The youth vote is going to love that.
As this country descends further into lunacy, this handy guide to might be useful. This probably goes double for millennials, who mostly don’t know what fascism, or socialism for that matter, are.