A Look at Why CU Police Didn’t Act on Theater Murderer

Apparently he would not qualify as “an imminent danger”. Clayton notes, “I suppose if you move from making threats, to loading a gun while making threats, you reach the ‘Imminent Risk’ category.” If the mental health bureaucracy is loaded with utter fail, I don’t see how our opponents expect just adding another layer of bureaucracy to try to patch over the fundamental problem is going to accomplish anything.

4 thoughts on “A Look at Why CU Police Didn’t Act on Theater Murderer”

  1. i really wouldn’t put too much stock in Clayton Cramer’s ramblings about mental illness and social policy. definitely he’s from the policy side (and has the flair of an academia ‘social scientist’). i know he posts here a lot and it sounds like he’s informed but…
    and what’s with the ‘mental health bureacracy’ as ‘loaded with utter fail’ comment Sebastian? Sweet Jesus!

    1. Definitely … from the policy side (and has the flair of an academia ‘social scientist’)


      Are you aware he has an elder brother who developed schizophrenia in the typical period and due to the post-deinstitutionalization regime his family has found it nearly impossible to help him? As I understand it, he was living this long before he became a ‘social scientist’ type (much more a historical, really).

    2. Holmes’ psychiatrist broken doctor/patient confidentiality to contact the police about him. In light of the laws in Colorado on confidentiality, that pretty well demonstrates that his statements or actions had given her reason to believe that he intended death or great bodily injury to others. (Yes, she predicted this well.)

      1. I can’t think of a more notorious case that better demonstrates how broken the system is (but you probably can…). This is not a no one who knew the shooter was surprised case, this is not like VT where the state tried to do the right thing but utterly failed the follow-through (ensuring he got his court ordered treatment and reporting the adjudication to the NICS), here the medical professional did what she was supposed to do, as you note was correct in her assessment, and “the system” as far as we know utterly failed to follow up.

        The nation just isn’t serious about this problem.

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