Pejman writes about the fallout from Bloomberg’s poor decision to hold the Marathon (which has since been rescinded), and he sums up his post quite accurately:
So to recap: Michael Bloomberg is a politician in good standing in the Nanny Caucus, the Failed Leadership Caucus, and the Self-Glorification and Aggrandizement Caucus.
And he endorsed Barack Obama for president.
Makes sense when you think about it.
And just consider if Bloomberg had invested as much (public and private) in hardening power systems as he did in denying civil rights. And I won’t even get into the costs of all those NYC teachers in the “rubber rooms”.
Let’s not forget that Scott Brown LOVES Mickey Bloomberg, and vis-a-versa. So, when Mickey decides to run for the Senate after his Term is up, I think he’ll not get too much support from NYC. Let’s hope that his Marathon Speech comes back to haunt him as much as the “Dean Scream.”