“Arrested” in Jayton, TX

Bitter and I had an interesting encounter with “the man”, namely the Kent County Sheriff’s deputy (and when I say the, I mean he’s the only Kent County Sheriff’s deputy).   Carrie and her mom wanted to use the library for a bit, so Bitter and I stayed out in the parking lot to wait, and took out our laptops to catch up on things.  Well, it would seem some old lady in the library noticed the Maryland tags on the rental and called it in.   The deputy blocked us in, came up, and started asking questions.  Since Texas is a notify state, I needed to inform him I was carrying, but he asked before I got it out on my own.   I turned over my driver’s license, Florida and Pennsylvania LTCs.  He had me unload Bitter’s Sig 239 and hand it to him.   Bitter was unhappy that the deputy took her pistol, which is an understatement, as she immediately got on the phone to formerly Bitter Boy, who is an attorney.  Technically, because we weren’t free to leave, it was a brief arrest, but it ended with my LTCs, our IDs and pistols being turned back, and the deputy couldn’t have been more polite and friendly.

Generally, I agree with Bitter that police officers shouldn’t seize people’s firearms, even for brief periods, once it’s known they have a LTC.  But it goes on record as the only time since I’ve been carrying (which is about 5 years), that I’ve ever had to show my LTC to a law enforcement officer.  I’m glad this one was more friendly than hard nosed, and the incident ended without feathers being too ruffled.  I might blog about this later when I get back.

Hello From Waurika, Oklahoma

The Texas Fun Time Shootout is over, and we’ve stopped briefly in Bitter’s home town of Waurika, OK.  Only here briefly for a short tour, to wash the car, and to get some catfish at Bill’s Fish House.  We’ll be moving on to Oklahoma City shortly.   Bitter I guess has been gone too long, because she hardly recognizes anyone in the paper.   This is a foreign concept to me, as I’m used to not recognizing anyone in my local paper.

Southern Mud

We’ve been having some spotty rain here in Jayton, TX. It hasn’t stopped the shooting activities though. Yesterday we were doing small bore shooting, and a little clay shooting. They have an old WW II era jeep that I got to drive around in the mud a good bit, and I had a giant shit eating grin on my face the whole time. I’m still getting used to driving a vehicle that has to be double clutched, but it’s a lot of fun. We went spotlighting for wildlife (just observing) in the jeep after dark. It was a lot of fun.

Check in later maybe.

A Place Called Hope

We stopped briefly in Hope, Arkansas.   Birthplace of our prior Philanderer in Chief.  We didn’t stop because of him, but to get some really fantastic BBQ.  Right now we’re at the Texas Welcome Center, which is WiFi enabled.  We still have about 8 hours to go before we arrive.

The great thing about the south is being able to cross all these borders and not have to take my Glock off.  Bitter has the SIG 239 in the glove box.  The other great thing is decent BBQ.

So, from Pennsylvania to Knoxville was like going from March to April.   From Knoxville to Arkansas is more like late May.   I think I’m heading into June after this.

This might be my last opportunity to post for a while, so I hope my guest bloggers have fun things to blog about.

The Final Push

Stopped briefly in Western, TN, after a fun lunch yesterday with SayUncle and the Instafamily.  We’ll be making the final push onto Texas.  It’s nice down here in Tennessee.   It’s like I’ve stepped into spring.  See you all later, as there is a lot of road to yet cover before the fun time Texas shootout can begin.

Finished First Leg of Drive

I’ve arrived at Bitchy Mom’s, completing the first leg of my trip which I began after work today. Here I’ve met up with Bitter, and we’ll be trying to consolidate all of our “stuff” into a single Toyota Highlander. Tomorrow we’ll be stopping off in Knoxville to have lunch with SayUncle and this guy, and his lovely wife, and then continue on to a campground somewhere in Western Tennessee.

Reasonable Regulations

SayUncle points to the Brady release that “striking down the District of Columbia’s handgun law is judicial activism at its worst.”

So let me get this straight, you guys don’t want to ban guns, you only want “reasonable regulations” on firearms. But getting rid of DCs near total prohibition on firearms is “judicial activism at its worst”?

If DCs gun ban is a reasonable regulation, then I’ll proudly be unreasonable.

Your Guest Bloggers

It’s just about time to start heading down to the Texas Fun Time Shootout with Bitter. Let me introduce you all to your guest bloggers, in the mean time. I’ve lined up a pretty diverse set of topics to blog about while gone:

Captain Ahab
Ahab runs the blog What Would John Wayne Do?, and will be filling in for me on the topic of guns, probably with a bit of The Duke mixed in.

My friend Jym’s wife, who, yes, is a stripper by profession. She’ll be blogging on the topic of arming bouncers at adult entertainment establishments, and also, to my understanding, about some of the economic and social aspects of her line of work. I’ve read some of the stuff she’s put in her personal journal, and it tends to be pretty interesting.

Brad is a friend of mine from college. He’ll be taking over on the topic of Pennsylvania politics, and hopefully saying bad things about Ed Rendell and the politicians in Philadelphia. I haven’t been doing nearly enough of that lately.

Thanks so much to you guys for filling in for me while I’m busy destroying various things, including some old hard drives from work, with hot lead.  Do notice the  Categories list beside where you post though, and try to select an appropriate one.  I try to avoid having everything uncategorized.

So I’m off for the week folks.   I will leave things to the guest bloggers.   I may pop in from time to time and post something, but probably not.  I’ll be pretty far out in the middle of nowhere, but we’ll see.   I officially return Monday the 19th.

It’s a Sad Statement

It’s kind of sad to me that we’re all rather dumbstruck that a federal circuit court actually ruled that the constitution means what it plainly says to anyone with a basic grasp of the language.  It would be nice if this wasn’t such, I mean, it shouldn’t be a surprise and a shock, it should be expected.

But in a world where judges view that they should increasingly defer to the legislative bodies, and where conservatives rally against “judicial activism” (at least the activism they don’t like), and liberals think that the commerce clause should mean Congress has the power to legislate against assault, I guess we have to take the occasional acts of sanity from the federal courts with the celebratory tone that such rare and welcome acts justly warrant.