Our Best Hope?

I think Rudy might be shaping up to be our best hope for avoiding Hillary ’08. I’ll admit, I don’t trust Rudy on the gun issue, but I’ll say one thing for him; he said he wouldn’t sign a new assault weapons ban. That’s more than I can say for Bush, who I don’t think has honestly done much for us, other than signing the PLCAA.

Other than on guns, I honestly don’t have any problems with Rudy on too many other issues. He’s always been a little strange and quirky, but considering my other choices are Mitt the Shit, and John “Screw The First Amendment” McCain, so far, I’m starting to warm to the idea of Rudy.

I know there are other Republican candidates out there, but I’m looking for someone who can defeat Hillary Clinton. I don’t think I have to explain to anyone how much of a disaster a Clinton presidency would be for us.

Of course, if the Democrats run Bill Richardson, that could alter the whole equation. But if you want my take, Hillary has already been anointed. Obama is just trying to get some exposure for his real run in 2012 if Hillary doesn’t win.

Via Instapundit

I Can Beat That

You know you’re a gun nut when you read about Blues Traveler’s John Popper getting arrested for doing 110MPH with load of guns and marijuana in his car, see the media spread on the police table and think, “I can do better than that.”


Of course, I won’t be doing 110 down the highway, nor will I have any controlled substances in my vehicle either, and I don’t have a nice gun case built into the back of my vehicle. But seriously, considering what I’m taking to Texas, my police table spread will look far more impressive than this if I got pulled over, searched, and hauled in for questioning.

Автомат Калашникова образца 1974 года

I bought this for myself as a birthday present. Since I was born in 1974, the year the rifle was adopted by the Red Army, I thought it was only appropriate. Of course, this isn’t a real AK-74, in the sense that it has no select-fire capability, but it’s a copy with a semi-automatic trigger group to keep me from being a menace to society. It’s one of the Arsenal SLR models. I decided to share some pictures of it. Click on the image to see a larger version:

The AK-74 Minus Bayonet. Can anyone make out the book it’s propped up on? I thought it was a nice touch.

Bayonet out of the scabbard posed on the side. The AK-74 has black polymer furniture and a polymer magazine, compared to the wood furniture you get on an AK-47, and its sturdy metal magazine. The 74 is a bit lighter than the AK-47, but not by a whole lot.

Bayonet fixed to the rifle. My AK-47 lacks a bayonet lug, because it is post-ban, and the assault weapons ban forbade this “evil” feature. Also, the flash hider is integral to stabilizing the bayonet, which was another “evil” feature you didn’t see on Kalashnikovs during the ban. I’m not eager to replace my AK-47 with a “no ban” model, because the original AK-47 didn’t have a bayonet lug or flash hider. Those features didn’t come until later revisions.

It shoots pretty nicely, as it doesn’t have quite the kick of the AK-47, taking a much smaller cartridge, 5.45x39mm as opposed to 7.62x39mm. The felt recoil is actually less than the AR-15. I would imagine the AK-74 would be quite controllable on full-auto fire compared to the AK-47. I’ve never shot a Kalashnikov on full-auto, though, so it’s hard to say. My plan is to take this to Texas to get rid of all the 5.45x39mm corrosive ammo I have. I don’t shoot this rifle nearly as much as I like, because with the corrosive ammo, I have to clean everything out every time.

Brad’s Guest Blogging Next Week

I was happy to hear that Brad will be helping to restore my credentials as a Pennsylvania blog by saying bad things about Ed Rendell.  Ed’s been getting way too much of a break lately from me, so I’m quite pleased to have Brad helping the blog get back on track in this regard.  While it was my intention for this blog to be the voice of a Pennsylvania gun owner, I also wanted to make sure I took the time to verbally flog state and local politicians who deserved it, which is a lot of them.

Brad’s already stated he’s not going to post a damned thing about Jim Zumbo :)

Some Comment on the Comments

I see the commenters have been busy beavers while I was sleeping. It’s good that we have these kinds of flame wars discussions, though. I have some reactions to some things that were said. I don’t mean to ruffle any feathers here, just to present how I think about these things. We need the dedicated and passionate, badly, but I do worry sometimes that the dedication and passion can overflow a bit too much, and drive away some folks we need in order to help us keep winning politically.

First I want to start by saying it does frustrate me to no end that a lot of hunters could really care less about RKBA issues, but a large percentage of them are sympathetic, but uninvolved. Jym’s father falls into the latter category. These are people who can be helpful to us if we reach them, because they vote.

A lot of hunters, even those who disagreed with what Zumbo said, were nontheless upset that his career was ruined. I don’t apologize for our reaction as a community to his blog post. We needed to react strongly to that kind of statement, because of the kind of damage it can do. I wanted the industry and hunters to pay attention, and they have. It’s how we behave now that will determine whether or not we reconcile the hunting and shooting communities, or drive the wedge further in. Can you guess which outcome the Bradys are hoping for?

I do not, under any circumstances, make apologies for, or regret the reaction to Zumbo’s “terrorist rifles” blog post, but it saddens me that people aren’t willing to give him the benefit of doubt as he tries to reconcile himself with the shooting community. What does driving people away from the movement really accomplish for us? It might make us feel good, but it’s a sure path to take the movement out into the political wilderness.

Many of you folks I think need to understand the difference between someone hostile to the right to arms and someone sympathetic, but not really active within the community. People who are outright hostile and unapologetic, we do have no use for. If I encounter a hunter who rails against my “assault weapon”, and I’m unable to persuade, I’m quite happy to write that person off as as quickly as I would a die hard Brady supporter. But there are a lot of people out there like Jym’s dad, or even my dad, for that matter, who are generally sympathetic to RKBA, but just aren’t active in the issue anymore. We can’t drive those folks away because they might share some sympathy for Zumbo, or because they’ll never be gun nut enough for our liking. A distinction has to be made between people who are hostile, and people who just haven’t been reached. The former we can write off, but the latter we need. The die hard among us do not have the votes or money to win on this issue, and votes and money are everything in politics.

From The Comments

My friend Jym (I didn’t put him up to it, I swear) comments something that I think is worth pointing out in a post:

A good example of the damage you’re doing to yourselves over this is my father. My father was a hunter and NRA member for many years and brought me on several hunting trips when I was a kid, but as he became older and grew apart from his hunting buddies he’s just gradually gotten out of it, let his NRA membership lapse, etc.. When I told him about the Zumbo thing, he was somewhat upset. He read Zumbo’s articles for many years, and was disappointed by the way that so many had just completely turned on him. My dad, who when I mentioned Sebastian and Bitter’s upcoming shooting trip with a smirk, was actually really excited. You’re not going to be luring back any old dogs like him to your cause in this manner.

The shooting community is already facing an uphill battle in many ways. Many people are rather dismissive of gun owners as mostly being wackos. These are not exceptionally liberal people, either, just middle of the road moderate Average Joes that think driving to Texas with a car full of guns and ammo is absolutely terrifying and insane, not a fun vacation. These are the people you need to convince you’re not crazy in order to hold your ground, and incidents like the Zumbo thing are not going to help them think that. There is a time for war and a time for diplomacy, and unfortunately from what I’ve read in things Sebastian has linked to I think that some of the community does not realize when their interests would better be served by the latter.

Yes. We have to be very careful not to get into the mode of drumming “heretics” out of the movement because “thou art not gun nut enough.” We should never compromise on the fundamental principle that the right to keep and bear arms is our birthright, but we need everyone we can get, and a lot of people, quite honestly, aren’t going to care quite as much about the issue as we do, and that needs to be ok.

Politics is never a neat, tidy game, and it can often make for very odd bedfellows. If you have any doubts as to the effectiveness of a political movement that continually drives away the impure and roots out heretics in its mist, I point you to the Libertarian Party. Do we want to emulate their success?


Well, no, not really. Paul Helmke is full fo shit:

After posting this blog, Zumbo was fired from the magazine, had his television show on the Outdoor Channel cancelled, and lost his sponsors. The NRA suspended their long-term relationship with Zumbo and pointed to the destruction of Zumbo’s career as an example of what happens when somebody crosses them. Some outdoor writers have started to speak up, however.

Sorry Paul, but the NRA mind control rays were off that weekend. We did that all on our own, without any direction from the NRA. As has been pointed out hundreds of times, the NRA didn’t even say a damned thing until it was all over.

We need to be asking what these weapons are used for and whether they need to be regulated in order to promote public safety. If some don’t like the restrictive definitions being proposed, what alternatives do they suggest? Or, should we have no restrictions, even on actual “terrorist rifles”?

Millions of gun owners use these rifles for competitive and recreational shooting. What to you think the annual Camp Perry shooting competition is? Take a look at the rifles most commonly used in that competition. That’s not even speaking of their utility for self-defense.

The restrictions on these rifles needs be no different than any other rifle, because they ARE no different than any other rifle you ignorant twit. They just look scary.

A word of caution to you folks: The Brady’s very much want to keep the Zumbo controversy alive, and drive the wedge deeper between shooters and hunters, because it helps them tremendously. All you folks out there who seem to be unwilling to welcome Jim back to the fold need to understand that. If we drive a wedge between hunters and shooters, Helmke and his friends at AHSA will be popping champaign corks. Now is the time for unity, and we need Mr. Zumbo.

On Guest Bloggers

Since Bitter and I are going to be away next week, I’ve been thinking about guest bloggers.   I have Brad, who normally does sports here on the blog, but I’m not sure how much volume he can keep up given a job, a wife, and two young kids.

I had a crazy idea to have my friend Jym’s wife, Christina the Stripper, guest blog for the week about her line of work, but I’m not certain whether or not I want to take the blog in that direction, even for a week.  On the other hand, it would definitely be a change of pace, and I’ve always enjoyed her crazy stories.   But, if I let her guest blog, she wouldn’t be able to complain I don’t take her seriously anymore ;)

Zumbo’s Sincerity

I have something to say about the sincerity of Zumbo’s conversion that’s being questioned in both Uncle’s comments and mine: quite frankly, I don’t really give a shit whether he’s sincere or not.  As long as he’s saying and doing the right things, it matters not to me whether he really believes it, or is just trying to salvage his career.

There’s a reason why I think it doesn’t matter, and it has to do with the sheer number of hunters that Jim is capable of reaching.  We’re not going to do ourselves any favors by being stubborn and obstinate about this.  We need hunters on our side, and if we’re going to insist on eating our own instead of fighting the anti-gun folks, we’re going to lose.

If Jim wants to spread the word to hunters, either to save his career, or because he’s seen the light on the issue, it’s not of much importance to me.   The result is the same.