Movie Physics

Via Slashdot, laws of physics that don’t apply in Hollywood.

With the string of new kung fu films out (they run the gamut from The Matrix to Charlie’s Angels), you just can’t escape the small matter of bad physics. Yeah, the action scenes look great and all, but in reality momentum is conserved, such that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So, when you see a gal kick someone across the room, technically, the kicker (or holder of a gun) must fly across the room in the opposite direction – unless she has a back against the wall.

Pretty much.  Read the whole thing.  It’s pretty good.

I Second That

Uncle thinks that those of us who were quick to crucify Jim Zumbo ought to write Outdoor Life and tell him that they should give him his job back.  I heartily agree.  I would add one thing to that though.  I’d really like to see Jim use his homecoming article to educate hunters about the importance of gun rights.

I’m still working on my “Gun Control and Hunting Day”, but it’s slow coming with preparing to go on vacation next week, both at home and at work.  Real life sucks.   Well, at least until this weekend it will :)

Empowering Citizens

It’s a slow sort of day, so I thought I’d dredge up a Belmont Club post from a month or so ago that I’ve been meaning to blog about:

By slow degrees the poisonous idea that government should be left to do things for the public has taken unconscious hold even of minds that would be consciously opposed to the notion. To be sure, government has a unique role to play in setting foreign policy, in exercising police powers and in national defense. But in the War on Terror where the boundaries between private and organizational movements; politics and religion and even between state frontiers is blurred, the idea of leaving everything to the government is probably a prescription for defeat. It is often forgotten that one of of government’s legitimate roles is to mobilize the public. To channel private effort. To recall that the nation consists, not of the “masses” but of individuals yearning to breathe free — and help.

I’m quoting this because I think most of us can identify with this idea; of an engaged citizenry taking responsibility for their communities and nation. Government should engage us, rather than telling us to sit back, relax, and let the professionals handle everything as not to interrupt our happy grazing.

We are all part of what one could call a movement of amateurs; people who want to be engaged, and want to participate in some way in our nation’s civic life, and are looking for outlets to do so. Some of us choose blogging, others choose things like The Minuteman Project. To me it’s all part of the same phenomena; amateurs, ordinary citizens, who want to participate, rather than just sit back and “let the professionals handle this.”

Over the course of twentieth century industrialization, we got used to the idea of a more centrally organized society, and our politics and culture adapted to reflect that. I view that our political culture is still very much mired in the twentieth century way of thinking. The twenty-first century will likely see a movement away from centralized organizations to networked organizations, with people networking together to accomplish goals, either personal, economic, technological or political.

We have a lot of example of this happening already with blogs, and various other types of network organizations forming spontaneously around certain issues. It’s ironic that it was terrorists who were also early adopters of this style of organization. I agree with Wretchard that our politicians haven’t yet really come to understand the need to tap into this networked citizenry. The political system moves more slowly than society at large, and I think it’ll be a few decades before it catches up. But it won’t stop the rest of us from plowing ahead anyway.

Where this has relevance for us as gun owners is that, as most of us already realize, we’re part of our nation’s security system, and now, with the Internet, we’re networked. The left may mock us for our preparedness, for carrying firearms in public, and unwaveringly standing up for our right to do so, but when the shit hits the fan, and no one else is around when something goes down, it’ll be up to us. We’re part of this movement of amateurs, who are not content to just sit back and “let the professionals handle this”, and for that we should be proud.

But if there’s one thing that politicians and bureaucrats hate, it’s an empowered and networked citizenry, because it makes their power less important, and less needed. So we will have a political battles ahead of us. One thing I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older, it’s that people have an overwhelming ego need to feel important, and a big part of the political fight in bringing about a networked, rather than centralized citizenry, and all that implies, is helping people get over their specialness issues. But we as bloggers, and gun owners, are already taking the first steps. It’s my sincere hope that society and government will soon follow. I certainly hope so, because those that wish to destroy us certainly aren’t waiting.

More Crap From Across the Delaware

Jeff Soyer has the digs on New Jersey’s plan to ban 50 caliber rifles. Sadly, this will likely pass; there’s just not enough people left in the Garden State that are willing to fight this stuff. Two hundred people showed up to fight Maryland’s Assault Weapons Ban. I’d be hard pressed to believe we can’t find 200 dedicated gun enthusiasts in New Jersey? Come on folks, show these people who they work for!

Backers of the measure insisted the bill was about public safety rather than gun control. The .50-caliber weapons could fire bullets through a police officer’s protective vest, or could give a terrorist the ability to shoot down an aircraft or touch off a devasting fire at a chemical plant, in an oil tanker or in other settings, Miller said.

Bryan Miller, you are a fucking weasel! Any centerfire rifle cartridge can penetrate police body armor or punch holes through airplanes. Do you want to ban deer rifles too? You say you don’t, but the same thing could be said for any of them. It’s also known that rail car companies test their cars against various small arms, including the fifty. They are impervious to small arms fire.

Another One Gone – Mayor Wolf

Mary B. Wolf, Mayor of Williamsport, PA (North/Central PA) has resigned from Mayor Bloomberg’s coalition of gun haters.  I guess folks in Williamsport have some good sense, which is a lot more than I can say for John Street and the other Philadelphia politicians:

I have learned that the Coalition may be working on issues that conflict with legal gun ownership and that some action on your behalf are dubious.  I have also learned that other mayors from cities large and small across the country have withdrawn their names as supporters of the Coalition.  This letter informs you that I too, am withdrawing from the Mayors Coalition Against Illegal Guns.

Thanks Mayor Wolf, for choosing to no longer associate with this group.  You do your city and our state a good service.

Home Grown MREs

Conservative Scalawag has an [interesting post about making your own MREs]*. I’m not a huge canned tuna fan, but it can’t be any worse than Country Captain “chicken” (it might be chicken, the jury is still out). Personally, I always like the beef enchilada.

But I think his choices here are great! I’d estimate the calories in his packet to be close to 800 calories, and probably pretty good on weight too. For backpackers, weight is a pretty big issue, so you tend to favor foods that are really calorie dense in terms of weight. Nuts are a great choice, so chocolate coated nuts are even better. One other thing to consider is the lowly pop tart. While not entirely durable, the 8oz package packs 400 calories of yummy frosted goodness.

* Dead link removed

Sometimes I Regret My Suburban Upbringing

One of the things Carrie’s family likes to do when they go to their ranch is shoot one of the wild pigs and have a pig roast. Unfortunatly for me, I was born and raised about 5 miles south of Philadelphia, and I’ve never cleaned and butchered an animal in my life. The idea does not repulse me, in fact, I think it’s something people should know how to do, but no one ever taught me, and none of the other women I’m going with have actually done this with a pig either, just watched it being done by other guys in the family.

I like the idea of the pig roast, but I’m afraid my suburban upbringing has never equipped me to deal with this circumstance, so it’s probably not going to go beyond the idea stage. I’d have to use one of my “terrorist rifles”, probably the PSL, since apparently these wild pigs are rather large, and I don’t have any non-military patterned rifles. But shooting it I can handle, it’s the turning it into dinner part I’m not familiar with. So for those of you who hunt, what’s the basic process once you have a dead animal?

Mowing the Astroturf

The other Sebastian exposes one of the “concerned citizens” appearing before the Maryland Generally Assembly to testify in favor of SB43, the assault weapons ban in that state:

Sue Peschin is trying to sell the idea that she’s just a concerned member of the voting public. Don’t be fooled! In the comments below, Norton has the goods on our friend Sue.

Pretty clearly she’s NOT just a worried Marylander, but a paid, professional anti-liberty lobbyist.

It’s my sincere hope that if we keep exposing their astroturf campaigns and outright deceptions, it’ll really damage their credibility, and fewer political bodies will be willing to listen to them.  But it’s just a hope.  Do you think this little bit will be covered by the Baltimore Sun or other Maryland media?  Not on your life.