A Bit Too Much Credit

Old Blind Dog makes an interesting comment:

“….what the left of today fails to understand…”

They most certainly do understand it. They are deathly afraid of the threat to power that it implies. It stands in the way of their power over this country and the citizens of this country that they would subjugate under the mantle of socialism. That is why they must destroy it.

I know a fair number of people who support gun control, and I can tell you for none of them is this really true. In fact, I think it’s giving them a bit too much credit. What many on the left want does have the ancillary effect of making us easier to subjugate as a people, but most of them don’t really think that strategically about gun control. There are surely some die hard commies out there who wake up every day and think “We really need to disarm the proletariat before we can seize power and establish our workers paradise!”, but I would be hard pressed to say that even the most left leaning folks think that way. In fact, I generally find the radical left more open to RKBA arguments than much of the mainstream left, at least until the revolution against the bourgeois is over. There are also your basic hoplophobes, who are just afraid of guns, and don’t want anyone else to have them because of that. But the commies and true hoplophobes I think are a minority.

Gun control, for much of the left, is a form of cultural chauvinism. They look down in rural people and rural culture, and would like to “introduce them” to a better way to live, namely the way they live. To them, arms are barbaric, and by allowing them, we corrupt our national culture with an odor of incivility. They see themselves as above that kind of thing, and don’t see disarming as a way to subjugate, but as a way to make the country as a whole reflect their cultural values. One could argue this is still subjugation, and you’d be right, but the motivations are different, and it’s important to understand the mindset properly in order to discredit it. They don’t see gun control is a precursor to ruling, but as a package of values that are counter to our own.

That doesn’t diminish the importance of defending our rights as Americans, but it’s important to understand the many reasons that people support gun control in order to bring fourth good arguments to defeat it in the public debate over the right to keep and bear arms.


Bitter and I have been preparing for our trip to Texas for a week of shooting time fun. We went up to Cabela’s in Hamburg, PA this weekend to stock up on some needed goods. For one, we needed some ammunition, and some misc camping supplies. I decided to was time to pick up a Surefire 6P and holster. I generally carry a flashlight on me because I find it useful, and it’s a good idea. This replaces my older halogen, which isn’t nearly as bright or durable as the Surefire.

The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning guns and figuring out plans. The hardest decision to make is what guns to take. I can’t take everything, because I don’t have room. But so rarely do I get to shoot on a large chunk of private land, that I’m going to take most everything if I can. On the list so far to go:

  1. AR-15 Carbine – If I could only take one rifle with me, this would be it. The only problem is, 5.56x45mm is damned expensive these days.
  2. AR-15 – This one has optics and a standard 20″ barrel and fixed stock. The carbine is my “grab and go” AR. This one is just for fun.
  3. AK-47 – If everything else breaks, I know this one will still works.
  4. AK-74 – Same as above, except that it has very mild recoil, and I have about 2000 rounds of ammo for it… all of it corrosive. If I can get rid of even 1000 of it here, that means I get to have a lot of fun for only a single cleaning. After that I can replace it with non-corrosive ammo.
  5. PSL – Time to try some long range shooting with this. I suck at shooting this, hopefully I can get better.
  6. MosinNagant – As long as I’m taking 7.62x54R along for the PSL, might as well.
  7. 10/22 – Because if I’m going to shoot all day, I need something I can afford to shoot all day.
  8. Glock 19 – This is what I carry, so it goes, and travels on me, except through Maryland, because their politicians suck ass.
  9. Ruger MK II – Because I’m already taking a lot of .22LR, and there’s room. It’s also fun to shoot.
  10. S&W 629 Classic – Texas has crappy laws about having to carry concealed if you have a license. When I hike in more remote parts of PA, I’ve been known to open carry this pistol loaded up with some hot .44 mag soft nose. For Texas, I got some snake shot too. I don’t plan on gratuitously killing any snake we see, but if one gets too close to camp, and doesn’t make on its merry way, I thought it was a good idea just in case. Most of the rattlesnakes in PA I have familiarity with (timber rattlers) are pretty non-aggressive, and generally avoid confrontations with humans. I’ve seen timber rattlers before, end never had any cause to get aggressive with one. Western Diamondbacks are more aggressive, and I’m not familiar with how much more aggressive.
  11. Makarov – Every outing needs at least one to shoot. Carrie thought that the star on it looked like a Texas star, even though it’s a commie star. But we can pretend for a week.

So that’s the list. At least what I’m taking. Bitter will have her own additions. Carrie as well. Should be a fun week. The drive down should be a blast too. On the way there, and on the way back, we’ll be stopping in various places to meet some folks.

Dessert Protocol

While I am on the topic of homosexuality and restaurants, it got me thinking of a funny thing I’ve run into with commenter Brad (who is also a friend from college).  If we went out to get some beers and food, and one of us ended up ordering dessert, the waitress would invariably bring two spoons.  That’s two spoons, one dessert, and two guys.

After this happened a few times, I started saying “Dude, do we look gay or something? Did she miss the wedding ring on your finger? I mean, this isn’t Massachusetts.” So we went back and told Brad’s wife about this, and she suggested that women would make the assumption that two male friends would want to share a yummy dessert.

So we set out to test this theory when one night we had a male waiter instead of a female waitress. I ordered dessert, and sure enough, he brings a single spoon. A few more female waitresses would give us two spoons after that, so it would appear that the theory was correct.

So, ladies, if you ever wait tables, men do not share desserts with other men. They may share them with women, and I suppose women share with other women, but the only possible circumstance where men would be able to share a dessert is if it was so impossibly huge as not to be reasonably possible to be consumed by a single person, but even there, throw in bananas or any similarly shaped food items in it, and the deal is off. So when you bring two spoons, and one dessert to guys, they will start wondering if they are giving off gay vibes.

So the next question becomes, would a flaming gay waiter, presented with the same situation, bring one spoon or two? These are the kinds of fundamental questions about the universe I would like to have answers to. So Brad, we should go to the BBQ place with the flaming gay waiter, and one of us order desert, so that it will be a mystery no more. Just don’t order the smoked sausage plate.


So Bitter and I went out for some BBQ tonight (in PA, nothing spectacular), and had a flaming gay waiter. This presented a bit of dilemma, because I normally like to get the smoked sausage, but I didn’t know whether I could keep a straight face having a really flaming gay guy serve me what looks, in effect, like a giant schlong on a plate. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to contain at least a snicker, but it could have easily erupted into full blown laughter if he made any comment in regards to “I hope you enjoy it,” or “My, doesn’t that look tasty,” and definitely would have not been able to contain myself if he said “Oh, excellent choice. Those are my favorite,” after I ordered it.

So to avoid risking any homosexual sensibilities, I decided to go with the ribs and brisket. It’s really the safe choice, when you go out for BBQ in Pennsylvania, and have a flaming gay waiter. Just something to keep in mind if you ever visit the area :)

New Thermonuclear Warheads

Bitter has the skinny on something that will make the hippies go mad:

The Energy Department will announce today a contract to develop the nation’s first new hydrogen bomb in two decades, involving a collaboration between three national weapons laboratories, The Times has learned.

The interesting thing about this new warhead is that it will be the first time any nation has deployed a nuclear weapon into the field that has never been tested anywhere except inside a supercomputer.  I work in the field of high performance computing, and we run a rather large one here at my place of business, doing molecular simulations.  Los Alamos, Livermore, and Sandia have supercomputer setups that make mine look like a toy.  Anyone familiar with what goes on inside a thermonuclear warhead understands what an impressive feat it is to be able to model things things thoroughly enough to have faith enough to stick it on the end of a missile and bet the country’s nuclear detterence on it.

These warheads will not be adding to our arsenal, that will still continue to shrink.  But a lot has changed technologically since we last put a new device into the field.  These new devices will replace old ones, that are wearing out, and getting more and more difficult and expensive to keep in operational order.  New technology should make these new warheads cheaper to maintain and more reliable.

It’s About Power, Not Killing

In perusing the left leaning forums, I’ve come across a pretty common argument I hear from them. This is quoted exactly from a forum, but I forgot the copy the attribution, so if I’m stiffing someone, forgive me:

Right. If you want defend your freedom against the government you need rpg’s, high explosives, heavy artillery and anti-aircraft missiles.

You have about as much chance of defending your freedom against the government with your hunting rifle as you would “armed” with a bb gun or beanie babies. You are defending your right to have toys.

Well, this is a commonly used argument that on the surface makes sense, but if you really think about it, it’s not really true. What is true is one thing: if the government wants to kill us all, it can.

But war isn’t really about killing. The mistake the left is making is failing to understand what power is.  What gives another man power over you? Did you ever stop to think about that? I’m not talking here about the kind of power your wife has over you, when she makes you take out the trash. Or the kind of power your boss has over you, when he demands you get a report in on time. We all accept some modicum of social controls as part of enjoying the benefits of living as part of a society with other human beings.

When I speak of power, I mean what makes you accept that if you do something that displeases society, it will punish you. If you ultimately rejected anyone’s power over you, including the state’s, what’s to stop you? It all boils down to a very simple relationship. Others have power over you because, ultimately, power is derived from an ability and willingness to use violence to make one submit to the will of another, or the will of society as a whole.

The key aim of war is to get other to submit to your political will. Killing is ancillary to that; a way to cause your opponent to pay a price in order to convince him to submit to your will. That’s one reason we failed to win the Vietnam War; because McNamara and his wiz kids forgot that war wasn’t about a body count, it was about political will, and the North Vietnamese had more of that than we did. If we had just intended to wipe out the Vietnamese, we could have easily done so. But we wage war for political reasons, not because we like killing. As Clauswitz said, war is just politics by other means.

So it’s with that idea in mind that the founding fathers understood the value of an armed citizenry. Who can blame them? They had just defeated the most powerful military on the face of the planet. How many people of Boston do you think would have said, “You’ll never defeat the British Army. And even if you could, you’ll certainly never defeat the Royal Navy. Just look at what they have?” And let’s face it, if the Royal Navy had just decided to open fire and shell Boston after blockading Boston Harbor in June of 1774, I suppose there wouldn’t have been much the city could have done to survive. But the British crown did not want bodies, it wanted submission.

In our country today, the crown is the state, and it has planes, tanks, rockets, nuclear weapons, submarines, and all manner of deadly weaponry. But those are instruments of killing, and while they can translate into political power, they are not political power in and of themselves. If the government wishes to force us to submit to its will, rather than just merely killing us all, eventually someone has to get out of that plane, submarine, or tank and come shove a rifle in my face. When one talks of power between humans, that’s what it really boils down to.

What the founding fathers meant to protect, when they wrote the second amendment, was not a guarantee against getting myself killed by my government. They had just fought a war where a lot of that went on, and they knew better. What they meant to preserve was someting else; if on the day that an unlawful government came to stick rifles in our faces, demanding submission, that we could point them right back and say “NO!”.

It was Patrick Henry who exclaimed on the floor of the House of Burgesses in 1775:

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace– but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

The second amendment is not meant to be an indivdual guarantee against death, it’s about us, as a free citizens, being able to choose to say no; the freedom to choose to risk death, and rather than submit to an unlawful government, to fight it.

This is what the left of today fails to understand, and a big part of the reason I find their philosophy repugnant. Given that war is about political will rather than body counts, there’s a reasonably good chance that a body of armed people, collectively saying “NO!”, and backing it up with force of arms, will be enough to deter any government that might forget who they work for, and what constitution they are supposed to operate under.  A lot of individuals might perish in such a process, true, but the second amendment was meant to guarantee that we, as free Americans, always had a choice of whether or not to go gently into that good night.

And that folks, is why I’m a gun nut.

Lost Getting Slow

OK, Lost needs to pick up the pace a little bit. Considering they have had falling ratings so far in this second half of the third season, they need to start moving things along. I’ve heard, though this is completely unsubstantiated, that ABC has asked that they strech the series out more. Since it’s such a hit, they wanted it to last just a bit longer.

But come on. What was really interesting about the last episode? Hurly drives a car around the island and it reminds him of his dad who left for 17 years then came back for his lottery money and to boink his mom? The only interesting parts of that episode was the last three minutes. I was waiting to see when Danielle Rousseau would make a reapperance.

Return of the Zumbo Zombie

… the issue that just won’t die!

Over at SayUncle, it would appear the Zumbo thing arises from the dead yet again. I agree with Unc that it would seem Zumbo is getting it. Let’s welcome him back to the party, because it would appear he’s been gotten to by us crazy frothing at the mouth gun nuts who’s brains have been programmed by the NRA super secret thought control machine to seek out and destroy anyone who doesn’t toe the NRA line educated.

Sorry, couldn’t resist poking a little fun at the lefty view of things there ;)

Sorry For Light Posting

I didn’t get anything prepared last night for today, and we’re doing daylight savings patches today at work on everyone’s workstations.  It’s the Y2K thing all over again, courtesy of our friends in Congress who probably thought they were actually accomplishing something, and didn’t think about the technological terror they were constructing with this asinine change.

Microsoft wants $4000 bucks for the daylight savings time patch for Windows 2000.  Now, it’s one thing to say something is off support, and they won’t be patching anymore.  But they are still providing security updates and such for Windows 2000 for free.  You have the patch, it’s critical for your customers, you provide that as a courtesy.  This is a way for Microsoft to subtly encourage users to upgrade, if by subtly it’s meant that they are hitting you over the head with a 2×4 and shouting “Upgrade, bitch!” at you.

I’d love to switch to something else, but Microsoft has a good little monopoly going, and there’s not much we can do about it.  I use Linux and MacOS personally, and at work, so I have no use for Windows.  But try convincing people to go without Visio, and things like that.  You won’t have much luck.   OpenOffice is a good substitute for Microsoft Office,  but it’s almost formats things properly when converting back and fourth to word format.  I deviate from my libertarian instincts when it comes to Microsoft, or monopolies in general.