The Canadian Wildlife Service conducts experiments by exposing the common wood spider to various psychoactive substances to see the effect on web building. A must see:
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UPDATE: Link was broken to YouTube. Now fixed.
The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State …
The Canadian Wildlife Service conducts experiments by exposing the common wood spider to various psychoactive substances to see the effect on web building. A must see:
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UPDATE: Link was broken to YouTube. Now fixed.
Chris King (D-142), my newly elected state rep who defeated incumbent Matt Wright, is so green he doesn’t even have an e-mail address yet. But when he does, I plan to forward this along to him in regards to the subject of the legislation that Dwight Evans has introduced into the PA house.
Hon. Christopher King
Room 101A East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2142Dear Representative King,
First, I would like to congratulate you on winning the seat to be representative of Pennsylvania’s 142nd Legislative District. Winning a seat held by such a long time incumbent is quite an achievement, and I look forward to having you represent us.
I’m writing you today about an article, appearing in the Philadelphia Inquirer on January 11th, revealing Representative Dwight Evans’ intention to reintroduce measures to revise the Commonwealth’s gun laws, considered and defeated in last September’s Committee of the Whole session of the General Assembly. I attended this meeting and had a productive conversation with Representative Wright on the issue, but since Representative Evans has announced his intentions to reintroduce these bills, I wanted to take time to discuss my views on this with you.
As I’m sure you are aware, the Pennsylvania Constitution, which you no doubt have recently taken an oath to uphold, recognizes an individual right to keep and bear arms in defense of one’s self and the state. While I share everyone’s concerns about the violence in the City of Philadelphia, as a gun collector and sport shooter, I urge you to oppose any of Representative Evans’ bills which place further burdens on our rights as Pennsylvanians.
While some of the proposals may seem reasonable, such as “one gun per month”, these types of laws do affect collectors, and will do very little or nothing to address the violence we’re seeing in Philadelphia. The City of Reading, which shares the same gun laws that the City of Philadelphia claims to be woefully inadequate, has experienced a sharp drop in violent crime this year after having a record year previously. The City of Pittsburgh, I understand, has also experienced falling crime rates. Philadelphia’s claims that our gun laws are inadequate would not seem to stand up to evidence, and I think The City would be better served focusing on effective solutions, such as putting more police officers on the streets, locking up violent criminals, and aggressively targeting gangs, rather than focusing on symbolic measures which won’t really address the problem.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter. I am happy to see that you were rated A- by the NRA in the last elections. Reading over your campaign materials, it seems we agree on many issues, so I hope your legislative record will give me cause to support you in future elections.
Langhorne, PA
I’m sickeningly nice when I want to influence them. I don’t even mind stroking their ego a little. What I won’t mention now, but might, if he starts buying into Evans’ and Rendell’s crap, is that I’ll do everything I can to make sure he’s a one termer if he pisses me off.
This one almost flew under my radar screen, but fortunately, David Codrea picked it up before I missed it:
Hoping that the new Democratic state House will be more receptive to gun-control legislation, state Rep. Dwight Evans yesterday said he will reintroduce a series of gun bills that previously failed.“We have 50 new members in the House who are not entrenched, who can listen to reason,” Evans, a Democratic candidate for mayor, said at a City Hall news conference attended by a crowd of state and local leaders.“What we want is common-sense gun policies that can stop the flow of illegal guns on our streets,” said Evans.The package of 13 bills, which he said he’d introduce on Feb. 22, includes proposals to limit gun purchases to one a month, to ban assault weapons statewide and to allow cities to enact their own gun laws.
Bitter, who claims she’ll get me to like Mitt Romney so much I’ll want to kick him in the nuts by the time he hits the campaign trail, has started a new category called Lessons in Smaller Government by Mitt Romney.
I agree that Romney is a lackluster candidate. He has the odor of a rank political opportunist, who will say whatever he feels he needs to say, and take any position he needs to take, in order to get himself elected. Unfortunately, I think I could probably say the same thing about 99% of politicians. Getting me to despise politicians isn’t hard, and they usually do a good job of that on their own, but I can’t quite work up enough nut kicking indignation about the former governor of Massachusetts. But I will certainly give Bitter a fair chance to try.
My other options for 2008 are shaping up to be Rudy Giuliani, who I think was a fantastic mayor of New York, but I have some issues with him, particularly that he hasn’t seen a gun control law he didn’t like. John McCain is, sadly, shaping up to be my preferred choice for 2008, which pisses me off because I already think McCain deserves a kick in the nuts for McCain-Feingold. But I have no idea how Rudy would behave on the national stage, and I’m already suspicious of Romney. Plus, I want some strong leadership for 2008, because I think Bush’s has been pretty abysmal, and I tend to like McCain’s opinions on the war. Casting a vote for McCain will make me feel dirty, but unless someone else comes along, I think he’s the lesser of the three evils. And if Hillary or Obama runs for the Democrats, the Republicans could run Britney Spears and I’d still vote for them.
Here’s some more neat footage of the XCR in action. I mentioned that it could easily convert from 5.56x45mm to 7.62×39. Here’s the procedure:
Firing 7.62x39mm
I really want one, but sadly I spent all my money on new Windows for the upstairs.
The Ten Ring asks us to help out Bruce of mAss Backwards, who has recently escaped from the People’s Republic of Taxachusetts to Live Free or Die in New Hampshire. He’s looking to raise funds to buy himself an evil black rifle that would make Mayor Mumbles crap his pants. Maybe some of my Massachusetts and formerly Massachusetts readers would like a Live Free or Here T-shirt.
Depending on how well the fund raising goes, I have a great suggestion for a pretty sweet black rifle that I’ve been drooling over for quite some time. Robinson Arms XCR. Note how easy it is to switch from 5.56x45mm to 7.62x39mm. I haven’t shot one, but it looks pretty sweet. Bask in the glory:
Damn, we really need to figure out a way to get rid of The Hughes Amendment. They do make a civilianized semi-auto version though.
SayUncle posts: The fudds are upset because they aren’t fuddy enough. I think we EBR folks need to have a sitdown with the fudds..
For my non gun blogging LiveJournal followers, Fudds are hunters, and EBRs are Evil Black Rifles. Hunters are a big component of the gun-rights movement, but traditionally they’ve been difficult to motivate in comparison to their numbers, and some are quite often willing to accept compromises that leave other types of gun owners hung out to dry.
I’m willing to make the Fudds a deal, that if they’ll go to war with me to help me keep my evil black rifles, I’ll go with them over preserving land use rules to favor hunting. Here’s the things the Fudds need to understand: your numbers are shrinking, and in a few generations there may be very few hunters left. You need us EBR types to fight along with you, but that means you need to fight with us, and not throw us under the bus every time Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein try to assure you they will never take your sniper..err.. I mean hunting rifle. But we EBR types need to understand that we need you too, so we’ll have to agree to fight to preserve hunting, even though that’s not important to us. We’ll also help fight off weenies like PETA. We may not agree on priorities, but we can probably at least agree that PETA deserves a kick in the nuts.
The gun control groups have long had wet and wild dreams about pulling hunters away from the gun rights movement. It’s mostly wishful thinking on their part, but it’s a fact that many hunters are difficult to motivate to care about gun rights. But we can probably seek comfort that the fake pro-gun groups run by the gun control movement will probably find it difficult to motivate the same people.
I’ve been battling a cold for the past week, and have so far managed to avoid buying any Sudafed to help with the congestion, but I finally got tired of feeling stuffed up, so I broke down and forked over my license and John Hancock to buy a pack of the good stuff.
I just have one thing to say about Sudafed PE: it sucks! The PE apparently stands for Placebo Effect, because I’m not convinced that crap does a damned thing. It certainly doesn’t clear me up. The government, and any Congress Critter who voted for this, can take all the packs of Sudafed PE I’ve bought, and and stuff them where the sun don’t shine.
I don’t care if people make methamphetamines from pseudoephedrine containing products, I really don’t. What I buy is between me and the pharmacist who’s selling it to me, and as far as I’m concerned, the politicians can keep their noses out of my f**king business. Fork over my license and sign forms because I have a stuffy nose? Piss off.
I feel bad for the kid behind the counter though, because clearly he has been abused over this. I felt the need to make the comment “You’d think I was buying plutonium or something.” as I affixed my signature to his government watch list. He ran through a rehashed script, in a rather defensive tone, “People are using to make meth. It’s a new law. It’s not just us. It’s every pharmacy counter in the country.” So I said “I know, I just still think it sucks.” I guess I should have just kept my mouth shut, it wasn’t his fault, and I wasn’t trying to rag on him.
Americans in early times would have brought out the tar and feathers for any politician who had this much gumption. Two centuries ago, Pennsylvanians, over a 9 cent a gallon excise tax on whiskey, engaged in outright rebellion, which got so out of hand that Washington himself lead federal troops into Western Pennsylvania to put down the uprising. What have we become? We’ve gotten too accustomed, as Americans, to bending over for the politicians. From time to time, they need to be reminded who they work for. So write your Congress Critter, and tell them, in very nice, polite and eloquent prose, that how you treat a stuffy nose is none of his damned business. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll bring the tar, and you can bring the feathers!
It’s not my intention to make this a group blog, but I will invite guest bloggers from time to time to blog about things that I have no expertise on, but that I think would be of interest to folks. To that end, my first guest blogger will be my friend Brad, who will blog about The Philadelphia Eagles. Brad is an escapee from the People’s Republic of Massachusetts, and currently resides with his wife and kids in Chester County, PA, so at heart, he’s really still a Patriots fan, but we won’t hold that against him.
Time for a new category titled “Things I Don’t Understand”, where I chronicle things that just have never made sense to me. The first one is why so many people on the left hate Ann Althouse, and make a regular point of harassing her.
Prof. Althouse has always struck me as being gracious and amiable, and about as far away as one can get from being an left/right ideologue. So why does the left want to crucify her so? Seriously, if you hate Ann, you should hate me a lot more, because I’m more right-of-center than Ann is, but I’ll bet I couldn’t attract a fraction of the wrath she does. Why? That’s something I don’t understand.
I think the people running around out there trying to cause trouble for Prof Althouse need to a) get lives, and b) take a long hard look at yourself, because you’ve become as estranged from reality as Paris Hilton is from chastity.