I hate to start a week with a news links post, but I have too many tabs, and they need a clearin’. This is a mix of old and new news.
Three Strategies to Beat the NRA. None of these will work because they still don’t get what really makes us successful. Hint: it’s not a top down movement.
Why are anti-gun people so violent? I hope the good professor here knows that NRA HQ being a gun free zone is a myth perpetrated by gun control groups.
Uber is and remains an anti-gun company.
Hawaii puts gun owners into FBI Database. Expect other states to follow this.
Forbes: “Law Professor Demands Repeal Of ‘Outdated’ Second Amendment, Makes Very Weak Case”
This reporter schools New York Daily News Reporter Gresh Kuntzman.
A way around California’s new AWB.
Gun Control groups target Rubio (R-FL), Ayotte (R-NH), and Johnson (R-WI). Good to see Ayotte’s capitulations paying off for her.
Charleston Church victim sues FBI over gun buy.
Fifth Circuit: No Second Amendment Right to a Machine Gun. In truth, we’ll be lucky to get protections against semi-auto bans.
Joe Huffman: Gun Access Makes Women Safer.
York Dispatch: A surprisingly positive article about gun shows.
Slate: “Whatever Happened to Michael Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Crusade? It still exists—and it’s starting to work.” They don’t hate money in politics. They just hate your money in politics.
Times Union: “Second Amendment not an unrestrained license to kill.” Who argued that it was? It sure would be nice if they argued about things we actually believed.
Shocker: “Study Learns Chicago Criminals DON’T Buy Their Guns Legally.”
Non Gun:
The New Censorship: “How did Google become the internet’s censor and master manipulator, blocking access to millions of websites?”
City Journal: “Elected on themes of hope and renewal, his very ascendancy a powerful statement about the country’s racial journey, he chose to use the White House as a vehicle to introduce a new era of racial grievance into our national discourse. Unfortunately, he succeeded in this effort—and failed America.” I’m seeing a lot more articles along these lines, and not just from conservative media.