I’ve been labeled a “pro-gun extremist” in the past by some of these groups, but I haven’t bought a gun since 2012. I just haven’t participated in the madness. So do they still believe these are the same good ol’ boys stockpiling? I’m not buying it. With every record month, they are losing the culture.
I really like the good news. But we’re showing we can improve states that were already pretty solid in. Bloomberg, meanwhile, is using his fortune to nibble at the periphery. As a great man once said, we have to punch back twice as hard. Bloomberg needs to be dealt an epic defeat in one of the states he’s got his eye on, like Oregon, Washington, or Nevada.
Now, I better end this post before I have to make my fingers type “Mississippi” again :)
I’m sure folks have seen what’s being dubbed the “iPhone gun” by now. I haven’t written anything about it, because a) it’s just silly, and b) it looks like vaporware, and possibly a hoax. But that hasn’t stopped the media from hyperventilating about it. It’s silly because do you think an armed robber, rapist, or kidnapper is going to stand there patiently and wait for you to unfold your phone gun so you can shoot him?
On Monday, Senator Chuck Schumer, D-New York, asked the Justice Department and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to block sales of a double barreled .380 caliber handgun from gun maker Ideal Conceal.
“This iPhone gun is a disaster waiting to happen,†Schumer said in a news conference Monday in New York.
I think its a disaster too, but not for the same reasons you do Chucky. Whether this would be an AOW or not, I can’t say for sure. The US Code says a handgun is “a firearm which has a short stock and is designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand” and in its firing configuration, it fits this definition. But the definition of AOW is muddled. So is it an AOW? I think that depends on what ATF determines, meaning it depends on the season, and whether you sacrificed a chicken to the God of Bureaucracy.
The amount of pearl clutching over this silly thing is amazing. It never fails to amaze me the things the media and politicians freak out over. It’s a two shot .380 derringer, basically, that would take some pretty explicit and slow moves to bring into action. If I were a cop, I’d be more worried about the dude with a gat in his coat pocket.
NRA is asking Colorado members to call their Senators. It’s up for a vote today. I don’t know what the numbers look like, but we have to keep trying. This is not a compromise bill that raises the limit to 30, it’s outright repeal. If politicians start thinking the anger over the 2013 bill is diminishing, Colorado will be stuck with this forever.
Alexandra Filindra and Noah J. Kaplan found that whites were significantly less likely to support gun control measures when they had recently looked at pictures of black people, than when they had looked at pictures of white people.
Are you effin’ kidding me? This is really such excrement, I can only respond with this dank meme:
Looking back to a decade ago, the big anti-gun states were California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York. Maryland and Hawaii were somewhat unfriendly, but they had a ban on “assault pistols” and a magazine law that was relatively meaningless. I would now put Maryland in the hard anti-gun column, and to keep Hawaii company, we now have Colorado, and maybe Oregon if we don’t stop it there.
This is why I think federal preemption is going to be important going into the future. We can’t fight a war of attrition with Mike Bloomberg state-by-state until we lose enough ground to lose federally as well. We have to solidly and decisively deal him a blow so hard he’ll find other things to spend his time and money on. Unfortunately, the party we need to accomplish this is currently a train wreck.
I also notice that bullshit correlation is favorite of Bloomberg’s Everytown. In other news, households that have automobiles increase the likelihood of a fatal car accident. Living in a big city increases your risk of committing suicide by jumping off a high building.
I’ve said it before, but owning a gun does not increase my risk of committing suicide because I am and have never been suicidal in my life. It may increase my likelihood of shooting someone in self-defense, but I’m having a hard time seeing how the alternative of failing to defend my life is a good thing. I am not more likely to murder someone with a gun because I am not a murderer. Look, if Bloomberg really believed all this crap, he wouldn’t have armed body guards. It’s just that he think you’re too much a fool.
But wait, the article gets better:
If guidelines are implemented, they could eventually provide useful data for statistical studies —while preserving patients’ anonymity — and lay the groundwork for breakthrough research on the effect of gun ownership and the roots of gun violence.
This is pushing an anti-gun agenda, pure and unadulterated. This person is not advocating instructing people on safe storage and keeping the guns away from the kids. This is about abusing their position to lecture patients about having unfavorable political views. The only way we’re going to counter this is to confront doctors who do this, and make them realize they are upsetting people and losing patients. If I were to ever have a doctor lecture me about gun ownership, I’d walk right out.
Happy Friday everyone. I couldn’t think of any April Fools themed posts to do today. I am kind of hoping someone is going to come out and tell me the whole 2016 election was really an elaborate April Fools joke, but I’m not holding my breath.
Dana Loesch: Hillary Clinton’s war on guns. The Demographic she has the strongest lock on is African-American women, who like the gun control talk. But what percentage of voters does that represent as a whole?
Cafe mom: Jamie Gilt doesn’t deserve to go to jail. These laws are worthless because they aren’t enforceable except after the fact, and I’d call a gunshot wound punishment. Education is the key here, not jail time.
Down but not out: Gabby Giffords active in Delaware and Virginia forming state level gun control coalitions.
Keep op-eds like this coming in Maine. Everyone needs to know Mike Bloomberg’s money is behind this. This is one billionaire meddling in everyone else’s business because he’s an asshole.
It looks as if Andrew Tuohy of the Vuurwapen Blog is being sued in federal court by the folks at FireClean. I’ve read over their lengthy federal complaint. A good bit of it is their ridiculous patent covering vegetable oil mixes. Generally speaking, the deck is stacked against plaintiffs in these kinds of cases. I believe corporations are considered public figures in these kinds of suits, which means they have to prove actual malice, which means they have to prove Mr. Tuohy knew his statements were false or that he recklessly disregarded the truth. That’s why you see accusations in their complaint like “Tuohy published this disparaging statement knowing it was false, or with reckless or negligent disregard for the truth.” This is a tall mountain to climb for FireClean.
But regardless of that, getting a suit dismissed, or prevailing in a jury trial requires hiring a lawyer, and given the amount of scientific data at play here, I wouldn’t imagine that’s going to be easy or cheap. There is no federal anti-SLAPP law, though there was one introduced in the House last year.
As for me, I keep it old school when it comes to lubes, so I wouldn’t buy FireClean anyway, but I definitely wouldn’t buy it after this. The other thing I believe FireClean may find out is that discovery is a bitch. The Vuurwapen Blog is raising money for it’s legal defense. I’d be sure to contribute. If FireClean wins this suit, the blogosphere’s free speech rights and our ability to criticize products without fear is going to be dangerously compromised.
Ah, if only the big GOP donors had paid attention to a wise blogger who keeps telling them to spend their money buying up women’s magazines instead of flushing their coin down crappy candidates. But I digress.
Looking at the things from the perspective of 42, I’d dump them. But I have some sympathy that in your 20s, you might do foolish things for a chance to get laid. We’ve all been there. I dated a few women who were not all that comfortable with firearms, though most of them respected me enough to know I would be responsible with them, and they were kind of OK. Even so, I ended up settling down with someone who was enthusiastic about the subject.
For those young guys out there, if a woman you’re dating ever expresses reservations about your use and ownership of firearms, because she’s worried you might snap and shoot her, dump her forthwith, because she does not respect you. I’m amazed anyone would date someone they fear might shoot them. That’s a troubled individual right there, and you’re better off alone, or with a woman of higher quality.
The “no guns in the home with kids” is pretty common, I had a few that were firm on that, but even that also presupposes you’re a fool who doesn’t know or understand how to store a firearm safely and responsibly. If a little education can’t cure that fear, dump her forthwith, for she does not respect you.
I also think it’s incumbent for women who are coming into this issue to speak out to other women about stuff like this. Notice that Cosmo found guys that can’t articulate their philosophy. They look shamed. While the women look confident and sure of their belief. This article is very anti-male, in addition to anti-gun.