Regular Readers

According to Google Analytics, which I had apparently not noticed was broken by the theme changeover, this blog has approximately 14,000 regular readers.  This is based off loyaltry trends that show the number of people who have visited at least 26 times in the past 3 months is roughly that number.  Whether you come here directly, or get sent here thorugh someone else, thank you.

Of course, this is assuming I’m calculating things correctly, which depends on understanding google’s terms for visitor and visit, and google using their own terms properly.

NYT Blog Debate on Guns

Featuring one of our blog community members who might be familiar to many.  See the full set of posts on the topic here.  The media is starting to take gun bloggers seriously!

UPDATE: At the end of the day, my hat’s off to David.  I think he did a fine job of representing our side.

Front Sight Copyright Violations?

Using writing from bloggers without permission in a commercial promotion?  Not cool.  I have a training certificate from Front Sight that I have no intention of using.  A little more than a year ago they were offering them to bloggers in exchange for setting up some links, and I bit without doing any research.  Since then I’ve uncovered a lot of very negative information about Front Sight, which is making me ponder returning the certificate, with a letter explaining that I no longer want to participate in this scam.

My List

Bitter has her list of blogging hotties, so I’m allowed to have mine, dammit!  Here’s my top five.

  • Breda – Who says librarians can’t be hot?  Gun toting librarians, even hotter!
  • Kit – John is a lucky, lucky man.  Just click on the site to see what I mean.  Yeah, the AR-15 is nice too.
  • Dr. Helen – As charming and intelligent as she is beautiful.  Glenn is also a lucky guy!
  • Megan McArdle – I like smart women, and tall women, and she’s both!
  • Bitter – I don’t care what the gun control people say, boobs with guns are a great combination.

It’s been my careful observation that the conservative/libertarian side of the blogosphere has better looking women than the lefty blogosphere.


Caleb has been doing a lot of podcasts.  I have a personality that is really best suited to the written word, but I’ve been thinking about doing one just to see how it goes.  It wouldn’t be a regular feature.  What do you think of podcasts?


Of course, I’d have to think of a topic too.  I wouldn’t want to bore anyone.

Light Blogging

Blogging was more light this weekend than the usual light weekend blogging because of my IHMSA match, which could have gone better.  It was cold, and the wind was up.  These are the kinds of conditions which seperate the men from the boys, and I’m just getting to the point in this where my voice is starting to crackle.

I got a 13 in Field Pistol in Production category, with my S&W 629 with Iron Sights shooting .44 Special.  Combined with my last score of 11, that qualifies me for an A rating.  Didn’t score all that well in small bore.  Wind was a killer there, and I don’t have enough experience to compensate for it.  Field pistol still remains my best game.   Hopefully in better weather, I’ll be able to score a A or maybe AA rating in small bore before the season is over.

Tomorrow I will be traveling to Harrisburg to attend the pro second amendment rally there.  I will be reporting back on the happenings as soon as I get home, but morning and afternoon blogging will probably be light.

New Theme

Obviously, as you all have noticed by now, I’m playing around with a new theme.  The one I was using was getting pretty long in the tooth, and didn’t support WordPress widgets, so I decided to grab and heavily modify a theme that did.  I tried to do my best to change as little as possible from the way the old theme works, but there are differences.  Feel free to let me know if you find anything particularly annoying, as changes can be made.  Especially let me know if something doesn’t look right in IE, Opera, or some other browser I don’t use.

Added benefit to the new widget based theme is I’ve added a “Top Commenter” sidebar, which shows those of you that most need to get a life ;)  Don’t feel bad, I’m really the top commenter, but I figured it wasn’t fair of me to compete against you all in the “need to get a life” category, so I excluded myself.

UPDATE: Folks seem to like it.  I might have to put up a poll after a week or so.  I’m still getting used to it myself.  It’s like looking at someone else’s blog.