Back in Roanoke

Yesterday Bitter and I spent the day with fellow gun bloggers SayUncle, Les Jones, Tam, and non-gun bloggers (but we don’t hold that against them) Glenn and Helen. We started out doing some shooting at Coal Creek Armory. Helen had fun with SayUncle’s 9mm AR-15. So did Bitter. She wants me to get her one now.

After shooting, we retired to the SayUncle compound for dinner, which was quite good! Bitter and I appreciate Uncle and Mrs. Uncle putting us up for the night. Thanks also to Les for picking up the tab for the range time.

Now we’re back in Roanoke for Christmas, Part II with Bitter’s family, and tomorrow we head back home.

Too Many Blogs

I’ve gotten to the point where I have so many blogs on my RSS feed, I can’t possibly read all of them every day, and I’ve had to get down to a core list of blogs that I make an effort to read daily.  Anyone on my blog roll, I do actually read, but I feel bad that lately I’ve been missing a lot.  If anyone has a post they think I might be interested, feel free to e-mail it to get my attention.

Blogger Bash: Quite a List

I’m happy to see so many people interested in going to the Second Amendment Blogger Bash alongside the NRA Annual Meeting in Louisville, KY. May 16-18th. So far, the interested or confirmed parties are:

Good to see some of our Gun Blogger Rendezvous friends coming out too.   I should note that this event shouldn’t be seen as a replacement for the Rendezvous, organized by Mr. C.  If you come to one, you might as well come to both.  There’s currently no plan for a formal shooting event in Louisville, and even if some people want to head out to the range, you won’t be shooting out to 1000 yards like you can at the Gun Blogger Rendezvous.  Different events, and both worthy of attending.

Spam Filtering

I’ve decided that Akismet, which is the spam filter that comes with WordPress, is a pile of steaming manure. Does anyone else have a WordPress based spam filter that they could recommend that isn’t annoying? Apparently Akismet is treating both Joe Huffman’s comments, and my pingbacks as spam. I have no idea how it makes these determinations, because it’s a giant black box. There’s no way to tell it that it’s mistaken and have it remember. There’s no white list feature that I can tell. So screw it. I think I’m open to trying something else if anyone has a suggestion.

UPDATE: Looks like they have resolved the problem.  I’ll stick with Akismet for now.  The help is appreciated.

Blogger Bash in Louisville

There will be a Second Amendment Blogger Bash in Louisville, KY in conjunction with the 2008 NRA Annual Meeting May 16-18, 2008.  Don’t let the title fool you; it’s not an event just for gun bloggers.  Any blogger can sign up and come.  Big blog?  Small blog?  Red blog?  Blue blog?  Come out and meet everyone and have some fun in Louisville.

Karl Rove on Blogging

Via Instapundit, Danny Glover goes over Karl Rove’s statements on blogs:

“People on the fringe are no longer voiceless,” noted Rove. Blogs have the unintended effect of giving “angry kooks” an “inexpensive soapbox” and a sense of “pseudo-anonymity” that “brings forth the worst angels of our nature.” He trashed Daily Kos and the liberal blogosphere for using more “dirty words” than conservative blogs like Townhall and RedState.”The netroots, he said, “argue from anger rather than reason.” Many, he believes, blog for “personal release” and not “political persuasion.” He argued that the netroots have been largely ineffective and said’s inability to end the war proves his point.

It’s true that blogging gives voice to the angry and disaffected, but I agree with Danny Glover that “like too much of official Washington, still doesn’t appreciate the medium”.   Rove also stated:

“Every word, public utterance, and public appearance can be captured and put on the web. “If you don’t believe me, just ask Senator James Webb or former Senator George Allen.”

I don’t think this is a bad thing.  While new media does offer the possibility of damaging a candidate, like it did with George “Macaca” Allen, it also offers the possibility for candidates to talk to readers in an entirely different way then they do now.  That we’ve yet to have a candidate that really gets new media, and knows how to use it to effect, doesn’t mean it has nothing to offer them.