Too Into Guns?

Lean Left thinks SayUncle is a bit too into guns.  SayUncle responds in the comments that tgirsch’s interest in beer might come close (though not so much these days because of trying to lose weight).   I think mine does too, probably.  But my passion for guns displayed here is a direct result of the political movement to restrict or ban them.

Bring back the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and Snowflakes in Hell might very well become a beer blog :)

UPDATE: Reading that link down a bit more, the WCTU is still around!  This is a good example of how you can defeat a movement politically, even if the movements edifices remain in tact.  I had no idea the WCTU was still around and preaching against demon rum.  Thank god people have better sense today than to pay any attention to them.

Akismet Time

I’ve decided to start using Akismet to deal with comment and traceback spam. It seems to do a pretty thorough job. I’ve resisted all this time, because I’ve never met a spam filter that didn’t flag legit stuff, and allow crap on a fairly regular basis. But the spam has just gotten to be too much, and Akismet seems to do a pretty decent job.

Also, new commenters will now be instantly approved if your comment doesn’t get flagged as spam.

Blogroll Additions

I think it’s time to add a police blog category. Going in that are:

Support Your Local Gunfighter
Second City Cop
The Policeman’s Blog

Also adding to the gun blogger category:

The Conservative UAW Guy
The Madman Raves

If you’re on the roll, that does mean I read you regularly. The list of blogs is getting kind of long. And there’s more on the RSS feed that I don’t have linked. No worries though. I’m getting the whole blog reading thing into a routine. It’s a routine called skimming :)

Turning off Comments?

I guess they got tired of all us gun folks using their bandwidth.   I figured something was going to give when I saw that some of you were talking about reloading (for those of you coming from the Brady Campaign, that means making your own cartridges) in their blog comments.

We wish the Brady’s the best of luck with their new and improved blog, that no one will read now.

Bloggers I’ve Met, So Far

I’m trying to think of how many bloggers I’ve met so far.  In order of appearance, as best I can recall:

  1. Bitter Bitch of The Bitch Girls
  2. Cam  Edwards
  3. Bitchy Mom of The Bitch Girls
  4. SayUncle
  5. Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit
  6. Helen Smith of Dr. Helen
  7. Sebastian of Pro-Gun Progressive
  8. David Hardy of Arms and the Law
  9. Michael Bane
  10. Denise of The Ten Ring
  11. Sam of The Ten Ring
  12. David Kopel of The Volokh Conspiracy
  13. Countertop of Countertop Chronicles
  14. Rightwingprof of Right Wing Nation
  15. Wyatt Earp of Support Your Local Gunfighter

Fifteen so far, and they’ve all been pretty cool.  I’ll be meeting a lot more of you at the Gun Blogger’s Rendezvous in October.

Underrated Blogs

I’ve been quietly reading Skywritings now for a month or so. I can’t remember where I originally came across the link, I think it might have been Kevin. But it’s real quality stuff. Bloggers tend to have various talents, but one of the rare talents is being a truly superb writer. One of the things that draws me to Skywritings is the quality of the writing style, and the well chosen photo captions. You also have to love a redhead who enjoys shooting! I’ll point to one of her recent posts as an example:

One of those things that kills us in the wilderness, in nature, is we don’t understand the forces we engage. The environment we have grown up in the US to expect is one of peace and sustenance. For the lucky ones, food appears often and in abundance. There’s medical care for those of us lucky to have a job that provides it, and there’s plenty of light and oxygen. It is like we are in big safe pen, a domestic den of civilization. Then we go into nature and the playing field is leveled and we are tested in ways that life or TV do not prepare you for.

Most of us sleep through the test and we come in and out of the experience never really knowing what we did or didn’t do to survive yet someone believing that we are hardy, knowledgeable adventurers. As pilots say “been there – done that”. It’s smoke and mirrors.

Author Jon Krakauer wrote about mountaineer guide Scott Fisher, the one who encouraged him to climb Mt. Everest. “We got the ‘big E’ figured out” he told him” “We’ve got it totally wired”. Fisher died up there. The psychology of oblivion is not a new science.. Making someone into a believer, coming to terms with the unfamiliar forces of nature is hard. For we live in North America, where for the most part and thanks to many – soldiers, and law enforcement officers, intelligence analysts and fireman, we are for the most part safe. Few of us believe in our own mortality until we’re faced with it, and then, even then, after the threat passes, we forget. So we have no way to prepare for what seems too removed a possibility. As Christopher Burney, who was a prisoner of war at Buchenwald said “Death is a word which presents no real target to the minds eyes”.

I almost feel guilty for excerpting it. Read the whole thing. It’s high time to add Skywriting to the blogroll.

Federal Law Can’t Apply to Us!

It’s funny how many of the left leaning blogs are astounded about the notion that the ATF is investigating one of their favorite reporters:

I want to address the idiotic notion that Bailey was involved in an illegal “straw purchase,” which at least one Media Nation commenter has fallen for. What straw purchase? Bailey gave money to Walter Belair, a former prison guard, in order to buy a gun. Belair didn’t buy the gun for Bailey; he bought it for himself, and, indeed, kept it until it was confiscated by the feds.

It’s not really such an idiotic notion. As I mentioned yesterday, the fact that the gun went with someone else is not necessarily the relevant fact, but that a straw purchase could still be affected without the actual buyer being in actual possession. While I think it’s unlikely that Mr. Bailey has anything to worry about in terms of actual charges (most of the facts don’t seem to point to a straw man purchase), I can’t exactly blame the ATF for investigating.

It almost seems as if some on the left believe these laws would only affect criminals, and that it was a waste for the ATF to go after people who are generally law abiding. If folks on the left think that, I couldn’t agree more! But you know, the laws don’t only target criminals, who don’t care if they break the law. They target ordinary people too, like Steve Bailey.

That’s why those of us, like me, who are into shooting and collecting, and definitely the folks who are into gunsmithing, are so intimately familiar with these laws. It’s a minefield, and one trip can turn you into a felon. If you don’t like the idea of the ATF investigating Mr. Bailey, then how about helping us repeal some of the more onerous ones?

UPDATE: Kennedy replies in the comments.   So do I.

Blogging Risks

Joe shares his story of how he lost his job at PNNL, that involved his blog and firewall logs.   This is one reason I blog pseudo anonymously.  Among the other things I do in my real life work, I run the company firewall.   If anyone wants to know how to stick it to your corporate boneheads, there are many ways to get around them, and in ways where they can’t possibly tell exactly what you’re doing.  Feel free to discuss in the comments.