This is my 1000th post since I started more than six months ago. That either means I’m doing a good job, or I need to shut up, or maybe both! I’m not sure which.
I decided to give the blog a makeover. There are a few reasons for this. For one, I think the old blog look was kind of tough to navigate and read sometimes. For two, the theme was breaking YouTube videos for some people. For three, I was starting to think the old theme was gaudy.
But I am not one to push something on my readers, so if you don’t like the new digs, say something in the comments. I won’t get offended; it’s not really my theme, I just doctored someone else’s. You have a few days to convince me that I should go back to the old theme :) I’ll take few comments as a signal that everyone thinks the new look and format is groovy, or you’re reading me through RSS and could care less. Any suggestions for improvements are welcome, though, I’m an engineer and not a graphic artist, so my ability to implement suggestions may be limited. There may be some minor adjustments happening in the next few days as well.