Lots of stories built up in the tabs this week that don’t quite warrant their own posts, but are interesting, nonetheless:
The Crimes of Gun Grabbing Mayors from Emily Miller. We have Google Alerts looking for criminal mayors, and let me tell you, this is not a group of people who should be lecturing any gun owner about gun ownership leading to crime. What we don’t publish is all the non-MAIG mayors who end up in trouble with the law, and as you can imagine,it’s far more numerous. Guns don’t cause crime, but mayors sure seem to.
Learning from the Election. I agree with much of Victor Davis Hanson’s take on this election. I’m challenged my his section on the Latino Vote. Much of what I’ve seen in regards to the Hispanic vote suggests it wasn’t immigration that drove them, it was the fact that they support Obamacare and the Stimulus in large numbers. Hanson’s prescription is “the Italian strategy” — to close the border and allow upward mobility to work its magic. I generally favor liberal immigration policies, but if the people you’re letting in believe in big government and social democracy rather than limited government and American republicanism, to what degree are you just committing national suicide?
The GOP ignores low-information voters at their peril. Bitter once talked to the daughter of a Democratic strategist when she lived in DC, who shared a disdain of this voting group. Partisans on both sides generally are much more informed than the average voter. But the person she talked to admitted Democrats encourage this voting group because they tend to break for Democratic candidates. This article suggests Democrats are doing a much better job marketing to this group than the GOP.
Sending in the health teams. Apparently the New York City Department of health is busy making sure restaurant standards are busy being kept up in relief tents. The response to this storm in New York has been at least as bad, if not worse, than Katrina, but you don’t hear the same wailing and gnashing of teeth in the media. Instapundit‘s characterization of this as “Katrina on the Hudson” is apt.
Billionaire’s Gun License is Suspended Amid Inquiry. It’s funny how millionaires and billionaires always seem to have “good cause” to get a license in New York. This, the 2nd Circuit has ruled, is a completely objective, and constitutional standard. That panel of judges is a disgrace to the Constitution, and we’re only going to see more of it now that Obama has been re-elected and Harry Reid is preparing the nuclear option. This is what happens when you elect people who care more about their own power than the document which limits it.