“I’ll need more dick kicking shoes” We’re somewhere there is cable this weekend. The media has been covering this wall to wall, speaking of all kinds of things about the killer, and about the bombs, the guns, etc. Tragedy as entertainment. I’m now really glad I cut the cable. Starve the media beast!
Category: Current Events
Quote of the Day
From Prof Randy Barnett, who’d be my choice for the Supreme Court if Romney were actually running a contest with real stakes:
And if anyone is wondering if the outcome of this case still hurts, the answer is “yes.† And it will for a very long time, unless Obamacare is repealed by Congress next year.  But, if there are two things you cannot count on to protect liberty more than the Supreme Court, it is Congress and the Republican Party.
I wish I had more faith in “Repeal and Replace,” than I actually do. And if that’s the campaign slogan, replace with what? It’s not like I really trust the Republicans on that count either.
Happy Independence Day
May you all celebrate our nation’s independence by blowing up a small chunk of it, that isn’t you. Of course some of us are considerably better equipped to celebrate in this manner than others.
The Newest Member of the GOP
More on the Shellie Zimmerman Perjury Charges
Shelly Zimmerman Arrested & Charged with Perjury
UPDATE: A very long, but worthwhile analysis. Bob Owens has a summary if you don’t want to read through all of it. Maybe this isn’t as it appears at first.
An Important Anniversary
Given that the people who risked their lives and livelihoods, to defeat one of the greatest evils the mind of mankind has ever concocted, are quickly succumbing to old age, it’s important to continue to remember what they did:
today on the anniversary of the Invasion of Europe, June 6, 1944. Here we are now, 68 years later.
Soda Enforcement Drones
Zimmerman Breaking News: Credibility Destruction
Not at all a smart move by Zimmerman or his wife. I’m sure his attorney is none too happy. You don’t want to ever do anything that’s going to raise doubts about your credibility in a case like this. This will not help Zimmerman’s case.
Zimmerman Update from TalkLeft
Jeralyn at TalkLeft has a very detailed and interesting assessment of what happened in the George Zimmerman case. It’s well worth a read. I had not found anyone speaking of this issue, as to whether Zimmerman’s attorney would even want to try for an immunity hearing under the SYG law:
If Zimmerman Attorney Mark O’Mara believes the Judge will find some way to wriggle out of ruling in Zimmerman’s favor at a Stand your Ground hearing, the question becomes, should he even try for it? It would give the state a free preview of his defense case at trial, giving the state additional time to find specific arguments and witnesses to refute it. On the other hand, it gives the defense a free test-drive on cross-examination of the state’s witnesses.
The idea that a judge is going to want to toss this hot potato as soon as it lands in his lap seems pretty reasonable to me. It’s going to be very interesting to see what happens from here.