Dershowitz on Zimmerman Persecution

Not only immoral, but stupid.” From Big Government:

After the release of the photo, however, Dershowitz went much further, telling Breitbart News that if the prosecutors did have the photo and didn’t mention it in the affidavit, that would constitute a “grave ethical violation,” since affidavits are supposed to contain “all relevant information.”

This is starting to look like the Duke Lacrosse case.

Zimmerman Bail Set at 150K

The judge granted bail. The prosecution pushed for 1,000,000 dollar bail, arguing that he showed “a lack of adhering to authority,” and “Quite frankly, some people will want to get to him.” He is not to possess firearms, drink, or take controlled substances.

I’ll be interesting to see when Zimmerman’s attorney go for dismissal. As Popehat notes, the affidavit supporting the charges is complete garbage. ABC also has a photo of a bloodied Zimmerman. Tom Maguire also has some useful observations in that link as well.

Charges Expected Against Zimmerman

Looks like the special prosecutor is going to bring charges. Probably manslaughter charges. The question is: will manslaughter appease the mob? Or will the media renew calls for Zimmerman’s lynching?

This is what justice looks like. Now the true facts will come out.

UPDATE: Nope, it’s 2nd degree murder. Either there is some new evidence in this case that we have not yet seen, or the special prosecutor has gone with total mob appeasement on a charge she knows the can’t win. If that’s the case, the hot potato now goes to the just who has to decide on Zimmerman’s eventual motion for immunity.

Decision in Zimmerman Case: Next Three Days

The special prosecutor in the Zimmerman case (media keep saying the Martin case, but that is wrong) suggests that an announcement will be made in the next three days. If you live in a major city, be prepared. Thanks to the media, we may get some civil unrest out of this.

Zimmerman Case Gets Weird

His lawyers are withdrawing as counsel, citing that they haven’t been able to contact him. They say he is still in United States. Would you blame him if he decided to run off to Peru or something? Can he get justice after what’s happened in the media?

I also heard that he had ignored advice from his lawyers, and spoken directly to the police and prosecutors. If that’s the case, it’s a remarkably bad idea. But I’ll be honest, whoever Zimmerman’s lawyers were, I have not been impressed with their ability to handle a trial by media. To me you can’t let the family set the agenda in terms of public opinion. I wouldn’t be surprised, facing impending indictment because the mob demands it, if Zimmerman didn’t feel he was just not well represented.

How the Zimmerman Case Could Affect SYG

From PBS News Hour:

Martin, who was black, was on his way to a convenience store in a mostly white gated community when George Zimmerman, who is white, shot and killed him after a disputed altercation. Martin, who was carrying only candy and a soft drink, was discovered by police lying face down in the grass. Zimmerman was briefly taken into custody, but has not been arrested.

That’s as far as I need to read to know they aren’t interested in reporting facts, only the myths generated in the wake of this.

No Grand Jury for Zimmerman

Apparently the Florida special prosecutor says it will not be needed. I don’t know if this means anything, but I would think that if prosecutors didn’t plan to prosecute, they’d want the political cover of having a jurors be the ones to decide that. So if I had to bet, I think we may see charges, in which case this goes to trial.

This could potentially bring Florida’s SYG/CD law into the case, since my understanding is that Zimmerman’s lawyer can motion for immunity, which is decided by a judge using the standard of preponderance of evidence.

Some Great Company There Pugsley

Hugo Chavez celebrates Good Friday by asking God to save his life:

In a televised speech to the Catholic service in his home state of Barinas, Chavez cried and his voice broke as he eulogised Jesus, revolutionary fighter Ernesto “Che” Guevara and South American independence hero Simon Bolivar.

One a Jewish carpenter who preached love your fellow man, a mass murderer who preached killing your fellow man if he didn’t back the revolution, and a guy who could have been the South American Washington, but decided he needed to be a dictator instead.

“Give me your crown, Jesus. Give me your cross, your thorns so that I may bleed. But give me life, because I have more to do for this country and these people. Do not take me yet,” Chavez added, standing below an image of Jesus with the Crucifix.

You know, if I were God, I think I’d have a little trouble hearing.