This is horrible. That’s all I really have to say right now. I think this might be the first Congressperson murdered since Rep. Leo Ryan was ambushed and murdered by Jim Jones’ cult. She is also the first female politician to be murdered in American history.
UPDATE: Apparently there’s reports that Giffords is not, in fact, dead, but is alive and in surgery. If this is the case, we sincerely hope she recovers.
UPDATE: Reports are confirmed. She’s in surgery.
UPDATE: Looks like the shooter has a YouTube channel. Given his age (early 20s) and the content of these videos, this looks to be the case of a young man who has come down with schizophrenia. He’s the right age for it.
UPDATE: Reports now seem to suggest she’s out of surgery, and while still in critical condition, surgeons expect she’ll pull through.
UPDATE: The Brady Campaign is already dancing in the blood of the victims, saying this needs to be addressed immediately, even though we don’t yet know the circumstances:
We also are deeply concerned about the heated political rhetoric that escalates debates and controversies, and sometimes makes it seem as if violence is an acceptable response to honest disagreements. Shortly after President Obama took office, the head of the NRA crowed that “the guys with the guns make the rules;” participants in Congressional forums and Presidential events started carrying guns in public; and then, just last year a candidate for U.S. Senate said the citizens unhappy with elections results should consider exercising their “Second Amendment remedies” and Sarah Palin used gun “target” metaphors encouraging voters to defeat Rep. Giffords and others.
This seems to me to be a bit, ahem, premature.
UPDATE: Josh Sugarmann is joining the blood dance too. Though, I don’t have high expectations of Sugarmann. I tend to think of the Bradys as more misguided than evil. Josh Sugarmann is a horrible person.
UPDATE: Jim and Sarah Brady manage to have a classier respond than all the other anti-gun people put together.