Merry Christmas to you and yours. For your sick and twisted Christmas entertainment, I bring you “Treevenge.” Â You certainly will want to send the kids away:
Category: Current Events
DIY Climate Modeling
Iowahawk shows us how you too can be a climate scientist. Very good explanation for how you can replicate your own hockey stick at home.
Happy Thanksgiving
Bitter and I are on our way down to Virginia, but I will leave you with this bit of humor courtesy of Dave Markowitz:
Apologies to Tommy James, but that’s pretty funny holiday humor, no matter who’s hockey stick you worship. Maybe I’ll get to some blog posts as we’re enhancing our carbon footprint all the way down I-81 down to Roanoke.
Veterans Day
A Veterans Day message from NRA, narrated by Jim Land, Secretary of the National Rifle Association.
Another Mass Shooting
As SayUncle points out, they tend to come in groups.
Quote of the Day
The cherry on the icing of the cake of the night was the mealy-mouthed General Cone simpering from the lectern about “We don’t go armed around here, this is our home,” which caused me to look at the loaded pistol on the nightstand in bafflement. I thought Texas had that “Castle Doctrine” thing? I know Texans on the internets are always bragging about how it’s legal for them to shoot someone stealing their hubcaps after dark, so I’m pretty sure a guy Allahu Akhbar-ing his way through a hospital waiting room gets the green light in the target selection sweepstakes. If they had been allowed to carry their damn guns, maybe somebody could have smoked Hasan before he rolled up a body count like an NCAA basketball score. Even the most ardent gun banners are always shooting off at the mouth about how “only the police and the military are qualified to carry guns” so how come they were unarmed and defenseless by edict here?
Mass Shooting Coverage
SayUncle is doing a bang up job covering it. As news goes, I’ve gotten tired of covering these things. One thing I will say, however, is people might be surprised that a guy could get away from this on an army base, not realizing that army bases are gun free zones. Soldiers are not permitted to have guns outside of training exercises. We trust our soldiers to protect our freedom, but do not trust them to protect their own lives. I can’t think of anything else that’s more disrespectful to their sacrifice and service than a military that is afraid of its own soldiers with guns. This should change, but I doubt you’ll see our Commander-in-Chief issuing the orders.
Let It Turn to Something Else
Don’t cry, but Patrick Swayze has died. Â It’s a bit of a stereotype that every gun nut worships at the altar of Red Dawn, but it is one of those movies anyone who was a pre-teen in the mid-80s remembers, and probably memorized a few lines from. Â Really, Dirty Dancing was probably a movie he should be best known for, and Dirty Dancing is more timeless than Red Dawn, which is dated if you watch it today. Â That must be why Hollywood thinks it needs to be remade. Â Either way, I will leave you this to remember:
Scott Bach, an NRA Board member from New Jersey, originally native to New York City, reflects in 9/11/2001.
Not Going to Have Ted Kennedy to Kick Around Anymore
Ted Kennedy is dead, and thus ends a long chapter of the progressive left, as well as a chapter in our nation’s history. No doubt in many circles of the partisan right, there will be quiet celebration. It would be rather difficult for me to join. Having watched my mother struggle against cancer for the better part of a decade, finally succumbing to it in 1994, when I was 20 years old, it’s not a scourge I would wish on anyone. Even Ted Kennedy. I’d wish Kennedy well in the hereafter, but I suspect he’s going to have some sins to answer for.
I expect Kennedy’s death will give the progressive-left a new purpose to pass a universal health care plan as Kennedy’s legacy. But I’m wondering if this isn’t really the passing of an era, and the final chapter in the long novel of 20th century progressivism. Now it seems we’re emerging into a landscape marked by endless political struggle, with neither side being able to make much headway against the other.  We shall see.