Lots of talk around the blogosphere about this training exercise out in Iowa where the military is training to go door to door searching for a “weapons dealer” and cordoning off the search area. Participation in the exercise is on a volunteer basis. Rumor going around now says that the exercise is canceled.
I think they likely are training to search for weapons, but I’m going to agree with SayUncle’s take on this that it’s training for Iraq, not here. Most of the past five years our soldiers have been looking for caches of weapons and explosives over in the sandbox. The rule was (at least until the Iraqi Government nixed it) was that families could keep one Kalashnikov or other firearm for self-defense. Heavy weapons, explosives, or caches of weapons were contraband.
Given that training exercises generally take a while to plan, I wouldn’t be shocked if this drill was planned under Bush.  If Obama and the Democratic Congress had a secret plan to pass a gun ban and confiscation bill, why would the Iowa National Guard be in on the secret, but no one else? One reason I don’t believe in broad conspiracies is because people talk. Sure, I suppose it’s possible the order came down from on high to conduct this training making it look like it was for Iraq, but if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.
UPDATE: I should clarify that I don’t believe this training exercise should be conducted, and it ought to be opposed, but that is out of a general principle that the military should not be using civilian communities in military exercises. Even if they are getting volunteers, not all in the community will be pleased with the disruption from the military presence. I have no problem with the military conducting these exercises on base with civilian volunteers, but taking over a community is extreme.