I’ve done far worse than kill you. I’ve hurt you. And I wish to go on… hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her. Marooned for all eternity, in the center of a dead planet. Buried alive… buried alive.
Category: Current Events
Happy New Years
Happy New Years folks. You know, I just don’t really feel it. I think 2009 is going to suck, in a big big way. I hope you all enjoy the New New Deal.
Quote of the Day
SayUncle on the Pope’s Christmas message:
He says don’t be selfish and help those who live in places where the basics needed for survival are missing. He said this from an extravagant mantle, on a gold throne with jewels, wearing a priceless gold cross, and some expensive clothes.
Good message there, chief.
UPDATE: The spiritual leader Governor of the Anglican Church, gets her Christmas message right, I think. The message is appropriate, and the backdrop is not ostentatious:
UPDATE: More from Wolfwood here. I was incorrect as to the title of Queen Elizabeth within the Church of England.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you all. Let’s all enjoy it. The Grinch is coming to town on January 20th, and we don’t yet know which presents he’s going to try to take away.
Plaxico Burress’s Gun
Apparently he had an expired Florida license. I’m guessing he didn’t realize that wasn’t good in New York and New Jersey. Either way, he’ll be a convicted felon after this. Burress probably could have gotten a NYC carry license, since those are generally available to celebrities who can hire attorneys to help them navigate the process. New Jersey is a bit more fair, in that you generally have to be politically connected to get one — mere celebrity status is not sufficient.
Mass Killing Terrorist Attack in Mubai
Seventy eight are dead in a terrorist shooting rampage. We must remain vigilant here.
Mitt on the Auto Bailout
My first reaction to this article was to think that Mitt Romney sounds more like a Republican than Bush at this point. Of course, I seem to recall in the primary he wasn’t exactly practicing this kind of tough love with Detroit.
Honor Them With Bacon
Safe Sales Up
Apparently safe manufacuters are doing a brisk business. You can add me to this surge in demand too, except mine won’t be used for storing cash.
Good Advice
Megan McArdle says about your 401K, “Don’t Look.” I’ve been following this advice since the whole thing started. I just don’t want to know. I’m not in this for the short term, and I definitely don’t want to buy high and sell low. I’m going to wait for this mess to bottom out and then get all my money into something where it’s going to ride with the recovery.