Quote of the Day

“I have a dream. I refuse to accept the end of man. I believe he will endure. He will survive. Man is immortal, not because alone of God’s creatures he has a voice, but because he has a soul… a spirit capable of compassion… and sacrifice… and endurance. About America and Americans, this is particularly true. It is a fabulous country, where miracles not only happen, they happen all the time. As a nation, we have, perhaps uniquely, a special willness of the heart.

– Charlton Heston, “In the Arena” a 1995 Autobiography

Charlton Heston – RIP

Statement from Wayne LaPierre:

Today, my heart is heavy with the loss of Charlton Heston.

America has lost a great patriot. The Second Amendment has lost a faithful friend. So have I, and so have four million NRA members and eighty million gun owners. And so has every American who cares about the Bill of Rights, individual liberty, and Freedom.

My heart is heavy, but not without a sense of pride. Pride in a man who devoted his life to his profession with grace and dignity. Pride in an American who devoted himself to civil rights, to correcting injustices around him, and to standing up for what he knew was right. Pride in a friend who stood with me and stood with fellow NRA members to preserve our freedom for future generations. Pride in a patriot who believed with every fiber of his being that our Bill of Rights is the foundation of our freedom that makes Americans singular among the masses of nations.

And now, Charlton Heston has passed that duty to us – the next generation. I am as proud to continue his cause as I am to have known him as my friend.

But today, my thoughts cannot leave the Heston family. They have always had my utmost respect and admiration and, today, they have my deepest sympathy and most earnest prayers. And they will always have my friendship.

I don’t really have anything to add.

People Will Sue Over Anything

I’ve love to be on this jury:

The builders of the world’s biggest particle collider are being sued in federal court over fears that the experiment might create globe-gobbling black holes or never-before-seen strains of matter that would destroy the planet.

If I ran the LHC program, I’d amost be tempted to send my expert over to testify wearing a monocle, and carrying a white cat to stroke while he answers questions as to whether his nefarious plot is meant to destroy the planet.

Earth Hour

Today we’re supposed to have Earth Hour.

On March 29, 2008 at 8 p.m., join millions of people around the world in making a statement about climate change by turning off your lights for Earth Hour, an event created by the World Wildlife Fund.

Earth Hour was created by WWF in Sydney, Australia in 2007, and in one year has grown from an event in one city to a global movement. In 2008, millions of people, businesses, governments and civic organizations in nearly 200 cities around the globe will turn out for Earth Hour.

I like Squeaky’s reaction to this hippy crap.  I’m trying to think of what the most outrageous and gratuitous waste of energy one could do for Earth Hour.  For one, I think Bitter and I need to go out to dinner during earth hour for some steak.  Nothing gives a big giant middle finger to the earth crowd like raising cattle.  Steak is perhaps the most earth unfriendly food product money can buy. Steak also makes PETA members cry.

How will you celebrate Earth Hour?

UPDATE: Bitter and I went to Wildfire at Tyson’s II over in McLean, VA.  It’s a chain, but the only other location they have on the East Coast is in Atlanta.  Very good steak, I have to say.  The shrimp and crab bisque was also excellent, as was the dessert.  Their wine sampler specials are also a pretty good bargain for upscale casual dining.

Now we’re watching one of those home makeover shows on Home and Garden Television where gay guys use power tools.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone.  Bitter and I were noticing how bright out it was last night with the full moon, and then it occurred to her that Easter is always the first full moon after the start of spring.  It then occurred to me how pagan such a means of determining when Easter fell was.  That would essentially mean you’d need a way to determine the vernal equinox, and then you’d need some kind of calendar based on the moon.  After that, how far do you really have to go before you’re sacrificing virgins to your fire god?

Also interesting that the word Easter is derived from the month on the Germanic Calendar dedicated to the goddess Eostre, who early Europeans celebrated by feasting around this time of year.

Enjoy your holiday folks, but please, no sacrificing virgins.

UPDATE: Some people are offended by my attempt at humor.  Apologies to anyone offended.  I am not intending to make fun of anyone for celebrating Easter, just poking fun at how the date of the holiday was selected.

UPDATE: Apologies to atheist readers who are disappointed at my attempt at reconciliation with my Christian readers who were offended by the original post.  Perhaps someday the People’s Front of Judea, and the Judaean People’s Front will be able to live side by side in harmony.

UPDATE: I should note that I am the product of an orange Irish/German paternity, and a Catholic Irish/German maternity, so if I took this stuff too serious myself, I’d blow myself up with a car bomb.

Elliot’s “Escort”

Apparently she has a MySpace page.  There are pics up, but you need to log in.  She’s not bad.  Great body.  Nice rack.  Would you pay thousands of bucks to hit it?  I wouldn’t.

UPDATE: Countertop has more, including the picture.

UPDATE: Christina the Stripper, a.k.a. “Ms. Moneymakers” points out in an instant message to me “You’re not really paying for HER. You’re, in theory, paying for a level of privacy/security in banging her.  You could get a girl of her caliber cheaper if you didn’t care about privacy.”

UPDATE: Oh well, she took her MySpace page down.  Can’t say I blame her.

The Four Dollar Mark

Experts are saying we can expect to see 4 dollar a gallon gas this spring.  As much as I hate the idea of this, because it costs me a 41 dollar tank of gas to see Bitter at current prices, I have to admit that as much as I might complain about gas prices, it’s important to put it in perspective.  At four dollars a gallon, I would be paying 52 dollars a tank to fill up in order to see Bitter.

For tolls on the way down there and back, I pay 17 dollars.  Delaware charges 4 dollars in each direction.  Maryland charges 5 one way, and 2 dollars each way for the tunnel.  Now, I bypass Delaware’s tolls both ways to save the 8 dollars.  It only adds about 10 minutes to the trip time each way, so I think it’s worth the savings.  Most of the times I stop for gas or food on my bypass route to kill two birds with one stone.

But today, Bitter and I went for an early dinner, late lunch to Old Glory, our favorite BBQ joint in The District.  I have to concede that on a typical weekend we spend more on entertainment and food than we do on gasoline consumption to see each other.  The real danger to the economy is that everyone is going to cut back on this kind of spending because motor fuel is generally a fixed cost over the short term.  But it should give us an idea how useful this stuff is, that we’re willing to keep spending more and more money on it, cutting back on other things in order to afford it.