Quote of the Day

Marko comments on his Search Term Safari, to the term “Guns are impersonal and knives are more intimate”:

Well, if you want to have a close and meaningful relationship with your attacker, then you should probably forego the gun and carry a knife.  Me, I want a self-defense event to be as impersonal as possible.  Click, boom, cleanup in Aisle Five. Nothing personal, no hard feelings–just rejecting an unacceptably termed business proposition.

Quote of the Day

From this Washington Times article:

Mr. Barnett’s dog barked at several of the women and he yelled at them in Spanish, “My dog is hungry and he’s hungry for buttocks.”

If the allegation is true, it is hilarious.  We’re happy Dave Hardy managed to get a mostly positive verdict for Mr. Barnett.  But regardless, I’ll be giggling over this quote for some time.