When Dave Hardy used to work as an attorney for the Department of Interior, apparently they had a tribe of Native Ameircans who, as a publicity stunt, filed for status as an endangered species. The response he drafted is absolutely hilarious. Make sure to check all the footnotes too.
Category: Funny
Most Of Us Guys Were Already Thinking It
But Robb went and put it on a bumper sticker.
Poor Caleb
I have an air gun in the car if the .22 is too much.  In other news, Caleb shouldn’t leave himself logged into the blog while Robb is around ;)
Eye Bleach Needed
The Official Wine of Grassroots Activists
Last Chance to Sing Along
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog goes offline at midnight tonight. This is your last chance to see all three acts for free.
It’s a great example of how you don’t need big Hollywood budgets to produce good entertainment. Joss Whedon has an explanation of it on the web site here.
More Irony in Pennsylvania
This time in Pittsburgh. A Titanic exhibit gets flooded when a water main bursts.
Hat tip to Stormy Dragon
Irony of the Day
A truck, carrying a load of fire extinguishers, catches on fire in Lancaster Township, Pennsylvania.
Justice Scalia …
… self-defense whacko. Bitter helps AHSA decorate their offices a bit.
Heller Humor
So, carrying swords and pistols, for the purpose of dueling, will likely remain illegal? I for one, am disappointed.