Details aren’t Important

I was thoroughly confused when sometime around 7:35pm on a Sunday night, Congressional candidate Bryan Lentz posted the following Facebook update:

This morning I will be at the Crum Lynne @SEPTA station. Come shake my hand and let me know what you’re thinking.

This morning? At 7:35pm on a Sunday?

It made Sebastian think of this:

It’s also amusing because it’s the train station he used to go to college every day, and it’s a short walk from his sister’s house & the house that he grew up in.

Weird Blog Reading Habits

Based on a recommendation from another blogger, I decided to add bevlog to my regular reads to see what they had to offer. If you read their “about” section, you might find it’s a very odd topic to follow: “bevlog reviews almost all of the 100,000+ beer, wine and spirits labels approved by TTB each year. We try to bring you the most noteworthy.”

If I didn’t find the topic strangely intriguing, then I would have missed their coverage of Intercourse Blue Ball Porter. And, yes, that image is from the label. Click through the link to see the full label – for fascinating research purposes only, of course.

Down With Fun

I have to agree completely with this article on compulsory fun in the workplace. They seem to suggest real fun would revolve better around two things most employers ban: smoking and drinking. I think the best quote from this article has to be this:

The merchants of fake fun have met some resistance. When Wal-Mart tried to impose alien rules on its German staff—such as compulsory smiling and a ban on affairs with co-workers—it touched off a guerrilla war that ended only when the supermarket chain announced it was pulling out of Germany in 2006. But such victories are rare.

So what was it that really put off the Germans? Smiling or not being able to shag their co-workers?

Via Instapundit

Presidential image on Flickr

I saw this picture on the White House Flickr stream a couple days back, and though, “wow, that’s a majestic office.”

BTW – the photog is a genius, IMHO, and has a real eye for a picture. Check out the Flickr stream for yourself.

Alert: Female Soldiers are “Not as Straight as Men are”

If you think this post is about “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and lesbians in the U.S. Army, you would be wrong.

Actually, the powers that be at PEO Soldier, the Army unit tasked with uniforms and other personal gear for soldiers, have just noticed that women have curves. From a story on new female-specific uniforms in the KitUp blog on

As the Army wrestles with the frontline demand for OCP uniforms, the service has just announced plans for a female-only version of their ACUs.

This from the official release: “Changes being evaluated in PEO’s re-designed uniform include 13 sizes in both the jacket and trousers, an elastic waistband, a more spacious hip area, a shortened crotch length, a more tailored jacket, and re-positioned rank and name tapes.”

“Women have so many different shapes and sizes, we’re as not as ‘straight’ as men are,” said Maj. Sequana Robinson, assistant product manager for uniforms at PEO Soldier, who is currently testing one of the female-only ACUs.

Debunking the Zombie Apocalypse

A hilarious article over at Number one reason? “Weapons and the People Who Use Them:”

Remember, the whole reason hunting licenses exist is to limit the number of animals you’re allowed to kill, because if you just declared free reign for everybody with a gun, everything in the forest would be dead by sundown. Even the trees would be mounted proudly above the late-arriving hunter’s mantles. It’s safe to assume that when the game changes from “three deer” to “all the rotting dead people trying to eat us,” there will be no shortage of volunteers.


Drunken Regrets

I’m just glad that a tattoo has never been one of mine.  Via Radley comes this site that will translate various Asian character tattoos for people who don’t know what they really have inked on their skin.  It was only mildly amusing until I came across this one that made me laugh out loud:

A coworker of mine has a tattoo he got while he was out partying a couple a years ago and has absolutely no idea what it means. Can you tell us?



Why would anyone be proud of tattoo that says: “to commit any imaginable evil”?

Some of the other examples include a woman who thought her tattoo meant beauty, but found out it means sheep, and a girl who thought her tattoo said Princess, but it wasn’t quite accurate – more like palace.  It makes me very happy that even in my drunkest moments, having someone stab me with a needle never fell on my “list of things to do tonight.”